Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 310 Escape from the Savage Mysterious Island

Chapter 310 Escape from the Savage Mysterious Island (12)
Not to mention, with these tools, the work went much smoother, and now I am very confident that I can build this boat.

However, shipbuilding is not just about laying a floor. In order to drive the ship forward, it still needs a lot of exquisite mechanisms.

There are these organs in the blueprints drawn by Smith, but before, I always felt that making these organs was too troublesome.

After all, my tools at that time were not very good. Fortunately, these bronze knives are really even more powerful now.

So from now on, I decided to make these delicate organs.Like the propellers behind the boat that propel the boat forward.

So now the question is coming again, what does such a ship rely on as power?

Later that evening, I posed the question to Smith.

Here's what he told me: "It didn't even occur to me."

So he actually forgot, which really shouldn't be.But it's time to make changes now.

Speaking of which, I'm also to blame for this matter. I may have trusted him too much, so I didn't read these drawings carefully.

If you are more serious, you can also find these problems.

Smith replaced a drawing as quickly as possible and asked me to execute it.

This time I took a closer look and made sure there was no problem before I went.

The bottom basically doesn't need to be moved, just add something to the mechanism.

As for power, well, this design is basically charcoal-burning.

This is an important example of using thermal energy to drive mechanical energy.

After working for a whole afternoon, it can be regarded as carving out a large-scale mechanism part.

I now need to use these parts to build.

Suddenly found that this is not my favorite Lego?It's just that the specifications are slightly larger, but the basic way of splicing is the same.

So Smith is still really good, he probably thought of this layer earlier, he just didn't want to tell us.

On the whole, is this a Lego toy with super large particles?

It may be the dry season of this island again, and the weather today is still very good, very suitable for work.

I asked Smith to read all the mechanisms I made, and he said that there was no problem, so I continued to splice them.

He still refused to go to the seaside to work with me, saying that he would stay and continue to study and make bronze wares.

He was really serious about making bronzes.

He first carved flowers out of stone.Among other things, Smith is really first-class in carving.

In fact, he has quite a lot of advantages, as long as he doesn't always go berserk, and sometimes there are indeed some problems with the way of thinking and the three views.

But people change, and I believe he will change this time.

In short, now the flowers are carved on the stone, and then the melted bronze juice is poured on it, and it is successful.

It looks really simple, and it's not too difficult to make. He has already started thinking about making patterns for these utensils.

It's raining lightly today, but it doesn't affect our work.

To be exact, it does not affect my work.

I believe Smith is usually asleep at this hour.

So I turned around and went back to look, and he was actually sleeping.

Now the ship's engine has basically been built, but unfortunately the problem of burning coal or gasoline has not been finally resolved.

(End of this chapter)

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