Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 312 Escape from the Savage Mysterious Island

Chapter 312 Escape from the Savage Mysterious Island (14)
Day 197
Smith was thinking hard about how to make gears quickly. He didn't think about food or tea, and concentrated on drawing various designs.

While he was thinking, I had already made ten gears according to his previous request, and now I plan to install them together for a try.

After so many days of running-in, I can no longer say that he is wrong.

No matter how much I work, I can't promote the progress of technology, but as a person who is good at thinking, once he figured out or thought about one thing correctly, he may cause technological innovation and produce a substantial leap.

The world needs people like him, and people like me, let him think, let me work!

After all, someone has to do what is in front of you, right?

One of the more pleasing things is that some wild corn in Smith's previous experimental field finally matured. I picked two and cooked them, which were really delicious.

In fact, there are many tropical fruits on this island, so it is particularly beneficial for vitamin supplementation.

Now it seems that this island is really a treasure. If you develop it well, you will definitely find a lot of interesting things.

But now I am trapped in this small harbor building a ship, which is really meaningless.

. . .

Day 200
Early this morning, a ring-tailed lemur broke into my house, yes, I rarely live by the lake these days, Smith and I always meet at the port.

It still feels safer.

Let’s talk about the ring-tailed lemur. This small animal is really super cute. Although the tail and eyes look a bit weird, it is very lively and likes to eat fruits.It took a bite of all the fruits I picked in the jungle yesterday. That feeling probably means that the Monkey King has entered the Peach Garden, right?

I saw his tail really felt a little dizzy, as if it was poisonous.

Of course, I didn't drive it away, but just ignored it as if nothing had happened.

I guess it doesn't feel interesting, so it won't come again?
Sure enough, this little guy ate all the fruits I picked yesterday, and walked away swaggeringly. Now it's time for me to clean up the house.

There is another problem living here, that is, there are quite a lot of bugs, centipedes, scorpions, bedbugs, these are all a piece of cake, there are big spiders from time to time, and millipedes, in short, if it is scary, it is really a match. scary.

All I can do is put some herbs in the room, on the windows and on the door frames.

These herbs are indeed effective, but I have to be careful myself.

Every time I see these bugs, I don't want to live here anymore, it's such a tangled life.In fact, the main thing is the lack of supplies!If you have everything, raise some poultry, and it is estimated that these bugs will be gone.

The monkey affected my work progress yesterday, and the weather is very hot today. Fortunately, the sun can be avoided near the port, so it is acceptable.

I was making gears under the coconut trees, and about every ten I made were installed on the boat.

Although I think the progress of building this ship is very slow, Smith is very satisfied. He has already begun to prepare the materials for departure, such as harvesting grain, drying meat and fish, and then preparing large buckets to hold clean water.

For this purpose, he only made a lot of large wooden barrels, and some jars, which were specially used to hold clear water, which was enough for us to drink for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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