Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 313 Escape from the Savage Mysterious Island

Chapter 313 Escape from the Savage Mysterious Island (15)
Day 210
Today I finally finished all the gears and inlaid them in the right position. I tried it and it was perfect.

The next step is to install the deck, which is another delicate job, as smooth as possible, and requires splicing.

Luban's mortise and tenon technique is used here again, no glue is needed, only mosaic splicing is required.

All kinds of high-end technologies are provided by Smith. He is really powerful and admirable in this respect. He also said that he once worked as an apprentice of Lu Ban, but was expelled from the teacher later.

It seems that he made some weird machinery, which made Lu Ban angry.

But he has learned all the techniques, just does not leave his name in history.

"I don't care about these things. I never want to be famous in history." Smith said, "I just want to contribute to the history of science."

Probably because of this kind of exploration of science, he will destroy a civilization at every turn, and then rebuild a civilization, right?

I was so moved by him that I really wanted to give him the Wrath of Thunder on the spot.

However, as his apprentice, I still abide by the rules. I will never forget such things as respecting the teacher.

Besides, I don't know why, recently, no matter which plane he is in, he hasn't done anything too outrageous. Of course, some of them are under my control.

What went wrong?Who redeemed him?Or did he see that Mei Mei stopped doing bad things, and he himself has changed?
Thinking of this, I feel that my efforts during this period are still effective. Although I am not the one who redeemed the demons, I can also help.

. . .

The deck was finally installed today. I stood on the deck, enjoying the sea breeze and watching the sunset. It felt really good.

Smith was responsible for the inspection and acceptance of the ship. He thought it was very good as a whole, but he had stricter requirements and proposed several amendments.

After these details are modified, I can make the second deck and improve the cabin.

When all these are completed, just put the mast up, and you can set sail.

It is estimated that it will take more than a month.

Smith's work is also very good, at least his big tanks are fired, I personally think that the big tanks should be used sparingly, I always feel that this thing will break.

Anyway, to be on the safe side, store water in several ways.

Wooden barrels are definitely the first choice, but wooden barrels can also break.

The only good way, it seems, is to keep the ship a little smoother.

Today Smith invited me to have a big meal. He said it was a big meal, but it was actually a tuna he caught. He cut it and sashimied it for me.

I really think he has the ability to swim out to sea to catch tuna, and the two of us can definitely escape the island with a plank.

I feel that he clearly wants to try to see if he can build a boat by himself.

Forget it, I have gained experience, maybe at some point, maybe I can become a shipbuilding engineer.It's awesome just thinking about it, right?
Anyway, it is these wild thoughts that support me, otherwise it would be really difficult to survive on this desert island.

What?You said Smith?To be honest, his emotional intelligence is not as good as that of a monkey, and of course, neither is mine.

But it is an eternal truth that girls' EQ is better than boys'!

Today's sashimi is delicious, and he actually dug up wasabi, ground it into powder and made it into wasabi.

It's a pity that there is no soy sauce, so I can only eat it with salt water.

(End of this chapter)

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