Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 314 Escape from the Savage Mysterious Island

Chapter 314 Escape from the Savage Mysterious Island (16)
I personally think that if the hull can be painted with some clear oil, it will be better.But I don't quite understand, where should these paint-like things be extracted?
According to my impression all the time, it should be in petroleum, or is it chemically synthesized?
It's a pity that there is no search engine now. Without Smith, the walking encyclopedia, it would be really difficult to walk.

By consulting Smith, I learned that in ancient times, a layer of tung oil was applied to the hull to prevent the hull from rotting.

"I've thought about these issues a long time ago," Smith said. "Before you pushed the hull into the water, I had already painted the bottom of the boat with tung oil. It seems that you are absent-minded!"

He was right, indeed he had been busy for a long time that day, but I was too busy sawing wood at that time to pay attention to it.

Thought he was watering.

Smith brought out his collection of shades by the lake, several jars of tung oil, and solemnly handed them all over to me.

Don't ask, it must be mine.

I really like this boat now, I put it together one by one, and it is really beginning to take shape now, it feels like my family has grown up with a girl.

Speaking of which, I actually miss my daughter from the previous world, uh, and my daughter's father, where is he now?Forget it, I have nothing to do with the rain.

Because I don't want to think about it, I decided to concentrate on brushing the boat with tung oil.

Finally, the overall appearance of the ship has been completed, and today we finally realized the most important item, the mast.

This is an iconic milestone, heralding the preliminary completion of our huge project, and the next step is to improve the cabin and deliver food.

The progress of shipbuilding is much faster than I thought, and I finally have the mood to enjoy the scenery of the whole island.

Sun-dried tortillas, jerky, and fish are enough to last us for months.

Looks like it's ready to go.

Smith is reluctant to part with his bronze laboratory. I really didn't expect that he made so many bronzes in just a few months.

He said to bury it in the ground, at least it can scare people in the future, and he thought it was an ancient civilization.

But he also decided to take some of them away as a souvenir.

He intends to carefully plan how the cabin will be used.

Today, we can finally start moving things into the cabin.Smith’s big knife is with me, and he also cast a bronze knife for me, the whole body is blue-gold, thick, sharp, and there is an alligator skin scabbard, I really don’t know how he made it.

"How is it? Does it feel like Hermès? It is hand-sewn in crocodile leather, which is definitely not inferior to world famous brands."

Not to mention, he is very beautiful, which shows that he has good aesthetic attainments, and sometimes he is not very lazy, but his thinking is more divergent, and he refuses to spend too much time on one thing.

There are advantages and disadvantages in this way. If he can delve deeper into one point, he will definitely be able to achieve something. The current situation is really high and low, and then everything will be destroyed if he is unhappy. This is not good.

Although he is gentle, he doesn't like to listen to my nagging, always saying that I am too annoying and noisy.Even so, I always remind him to give up revenge, never.

He was actually abandoned strategically, and his colleagues reacted normally. If his colleagues were trapped here, I guess he would not come back to rescue him.

(End of this chapter)

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