Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 315 Escape from the Savage Mysterious Island

Chapter 315 Escape from the Savage Mysterious Island (17)
Day 239
Finally, we decided to go.

In fact, I really don't want to part with this island. I feel that there are still many, many treasures to be explored. If I leave now, I feel like I will lose [-] million yuan.

But I guess, you should also want to go back to your relatives, right?
As far as I know, you have parents and an older brother. You are a very happy girl, right?

It has been more than half a year, they must be very anxious, right?
If we can go back, your parents and brother must be very happy.

Do you remember that you started this trip because you were broken in love?
In fact, there is really no need to be sad for a man, do you see how stupid a man is?Even if it's Smith with an IQ of 260 beside me, isn't his EQ close to 0?It is simply impossible to communicate.

This guy, he is very entangled in all kinds of details, he has been so busy, he still insists on carving on the boat, just because I don't want to do such meaningless things, he actually cried.

My goodness!Isn't this a giant baby?
I'm too lazy to care about such a guy. When I get home, I won't have to see him again (at least in this world), and I feel happy just thinking about it.

But I still don't understand, it's just a question of pattern, is it really?

Smith did the engraving by himself, but he hurt himself when he started, so I had to take over.

Hey, it's like this every time, I want to punish him, but in the end he gets hurt, and then I suffer.

Engraving patterns today!

The patterns on the side of the boat have been carved, not to mention, they are really beautiful, and he painted these patterns with the colors he prepared before, which is really bright and eye-catching.

No wonder he insisted on the pattern, it turned out to be to show off the colored paint he made.

Everything is ready to sail today.

The ship is running very smoothly. It seems that my Anluo's Ark is still very well built. Now I want to know how many days it will take to reach land, and will there be wind and waves on the road?
May the God of the Sea bless you!
Damn, when it comes to Sea God, I actually think of that man again. What is his identity in this world?

At least today, the sea is calm and I don't feel seasick.

Smith took on the role of captain, mainly at the helm. He is quite good at this aspect and seems to have a lot of sailing knowledge.

In fact, I also have sailing knowledge. I once lived with someone at sea for a lot of time, from the Asian continent to the African continent, almost without stopping, and I also encountered a lot of wind and waves, but the problems were solved.

This is the second time I mentioned this person today, right?I am sorry.

Today I stewed some dried meat and tortillas. As for vegetables, we simply planted a lot of vegetables on this ship, so it perfectly solved the problem of lack of vitamins.

In addition, there are a lot of dried mushrooms and so on. In short, there is no shortage of food.

Day 241
The weather is still good today, and we will not feel bored living at sea, because we must always beware of reefs.Fortunately, I have rich experience and can provide Smith with practical guidance on top of his theory.

Now I think that a bigger boat is really beneficial, at least, there will be a lot more private space, and life will be more comfortable.

These vegetables grow very well at sea, but I feel that it is a bit of a waste of water.

Can we see land tomorrow?

(End of this chapter)

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