Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 316 Escape from the Savage Mysterious Island

Chapter 316 Escape from the Savage Mysterious Island (18)
Day 252
We have been drifting on the sea for ten days, and we have not encountered land. The food is very sufficient, but where is the end of the voyage?

Smith knew our location. He said that if we headed north, we would reach land soon.

That's right, he came here after seeing the location, of course he knew the location, unlike you who drifted to this island.

It stands to reason that these ten days should be up, at least you can see some islands, right?

The two of us were figuring it out, and suddenly the shadow of a ship appeared opposite.

I was ecstatic in my heart, this is saved, it is really great!
However, Smith's face changed: "It's a pirate!"

I took a look through his binoculars and was sure it was the pirates, and they spotted us too, driving the engines full speed towards us.

I kind of fell in love with their ship, it's really automatic, I almost forgot that this plane is a modern plane, and thought it was a barbaric plane.

Yes, the more nervous I am, the more I like to think wildly.

Otherwise, what should I do, are I afraid here?
The opponent has already launched a long-range attack, and our ship may not be able to hold on.

Smith said to me, "Do you want to take their ship?"


"Before they know how many of us there are, let's swim over quietly."

That's exactly what I mean.

Now I understand what's the use of that big knife that Smith made, and the bronze knife that was given to me.

It seems that I can use the knife these people gave me today, hehehe.

So I jumped into the sea with a bronze knife on my back. I thought Smith would follow, but instead of following, he shouted to me from the boat: "Come on! I'll cover you!"

very good!Once again I saw his essence clearly.

How can I know such a person?
Forget it, taking him might be a hindrance!
But it is really useful for him to stay on the boat, he can attract the opponent's firepower in various ways, and I swam to the opponent's boat in one breath, quickly climbed from the side of the boat to the cabin, regardless of 21, first use my bronze knife After knocking down a few, and then grabbing the weapons, the next thing is simple. These people are really a piece of cake for me.

Of course, I knocked them all out. After all, there are others who will try them. I am only responsible for sending them to the place of trial.

There were more than [-] pirates on this ship. I tied the fainted people together and used their radios to call for help.

A few hours later, a sea team actually came and rescued us.

William, the captain of this sea team, turned out to be Xuan Yu.

It's the man I keep telling you about.

The moment I saw him, my tears were about to fall, mainly because I was too embarrassed now.

Xuan Yu was also stunned, maybe I am like a demon now, holding a weapon in my hand, carrying a knife behind my back, and then like a frightened bird, oops, I suddenly remembered that I didn’t even wash my hair, It must be ugly now!
He actually hugged me, in full view, in public, I was so embarrassed that I wanted to faint on the spot, not to face it all.

They all know these people are pirates, so thank you for helping them catch them.

As for Smith, he was also rescued, and our ship was towed back by them.

I told Xuanyu, their Captain William, that this is the boat I made with my own hands, and he said, "How about it! May I contact a ship academy for you?"

(End of this chapter)

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