Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 317 Escape from the Savage Mysterious Island

Chapter 317 Escape from the Savage Mysterious Island (19)
Today was spent in the hospital. Captain William sent me and Smith to the hospital for a medical examination.

I told the doctor about your previous injury, and I hope to do some MRI to check whether there are blood clots in the brain. I told the doctor that I still feel dizzy from time to time, and I am afraid that I have not recovered.

The doctor asked me how to build a ship in such a state, and I said that it might be because the brain was severely injured, so the potential was stimulated, right?
Of course the doctor wouldn't believe it.

Through an MRI, the doctor found that I, or you to be precise, still had some blood clots in my brain.

My guess is that these blood clots may have interfered with your awakening of consciousness.

I also asked the doctor to do an EEG and found nothing abnormal.

It seems that what the EEG measures is my own state of consciousness, not yours, so it is impossible to monitor your current state at all.

Little sister, when will you wake up?
There is still some time before I go home. After all, I am not in the same country, and I still need to go through some applications.

In the evening, Captain William came to visit me and inquired about my physical condition.

In fact, he is quite interesting. The first sentence asked me what is the relationship between Smith and me.

"What do you think?" I asked him.

"You have lived together on the desert island for such a long time, shouldn't you have a normal relationship?"

"Is that why you don't trust me?"

He smiled: "I'm afraid you'll lose your memory."

"No, at least not this time."

He sent me some flowers and left, saying he was in the process of letting us go home.

This incident became important news around the world, and all the media were scrambling to report, and they also wanted to explore this new island.

At Smith's and I's insistence, we named the island Suzy-Smith Island, and it was recognized.

Why do you say my name is in front?Because women come first!
Smith is still very sensible this time, and exposed in the media that his research team left him on that island to fend for himself. In this way, his research team has been condemned by the whole world and it can be regarded as ruined. In the next time, he will devote himself to the research of this island.

This can be regarded as revenge, but at least there is restraint, rational revenge, revenge that is resorted to the law, and revenge that can be accepted by the world.

If it was before, he would probably use indiscriminate destruction of everything as a way of revenge. Now he can become so rational, which really surprises me. It seems that he has listened to what I babble around him every day. , Sure enough, people will change.

I also finally went home and saw your parents, mother and brother. Only then did I realize that it was right to come back. They were thinking about you like crazy.

When your ship crashed, you were one of the survivors.

Hope you wake up soon.

With your parents, familiar environment, can you feel it?

I know you are a college student now, but you will be graduating soon. If you still don't wake up, I will take it upon myself to become Smith's graduate student, and then develop that island with him.

what do you think?
I have dealt with the matter of your graduating from university, because this matter is really sensational, so the school has also given a lot of green lights, and now you are considered a celebrity!

Of course, it doesn't mean that I don't need to study. The school is giving me some time to complete the unfinished exams.

(End of this chapter)

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