Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 318 Escape from the Savage Mysterious Island

Chapter 318 Escape from the Savage Mysterious Island (20)

Day 330
It took me more than two months to complete all the make-up exams. Although it was very hard, it was enough for you to get your graduation certificate. Sure enough, I have the potential to be a top student, and it was all worth it.

Another very important thing is that my boat was bought by Smith. He said it was an excellent handicraft and would be exhibited in a famous seaport, and Smith also said that he would take this boat Go to sea, and name it the Suzie.

I really didn't think he had so much money.

He said that he has hundreds of patents in his hands, and each of them is very valuable, and it is definitely a valid patent.

This time on the island, he produced a lot of research results.

What's more, his research institute gave him a large amount of compensation.

Now he's a super rich independent researcher.

As for how rich it is, I don't know the specifics. Anyway, he invested 1000 million in this ship, which is unambiguous.

I feel like all the hard work of those months was worth it.

Now I can be considered a rich man, and I plan to go on a trip with your parents and brother, just to your favorite city, what do you think?

I will apply for a visa these days.

The next thing, presumably your parents can tell you, I may not continue to record.

. . .

This is the end of An Luo's diary. During the trip, Susie recovered her memory, and she also left this plane.

Later, Susie came to Smith's side as an assistant, but unfortunately the two did not spark, and after working together for a period of time, they parted ways.

When the dryad in the sealed land obtained this part of memory, he said to An Luo, "She is different from you."

"What's the difference?"

"I don't know why, but she is always angry, and it is difficult for her to complete the tasks I give her." The tree demon said angrily.

"You don't want her to do a lot of physical work, do you? She's a girl!" An Luo said in surprise.

"I think men and women are equal, so I don't pay much attention to this issue."

An Luo said helplessly: "But in terms of physical strength, men and women are indeed not equal. You should teach students according to their aptitude! Hey, thanks to me, I have said a lot of good things for you and placed her by your side. I hope you can have a follow-up. In the end, you still die alone?"

"Who cares?" the Dryad sneered, "I think it's fine!"

"Yes, as long as you are happy!"

In An Luo's diary, he didn't tell Su Xi that Xuan Yu, Captain William, had come to her and the only thing he wanted was to propose to her.

But An Luo told him what had happened and told him that he would leave soon.

"This body only belongs to me for the time being. I won't make decisions about many major life events. I just insist on maintaining her life. When she comes back, you can ask her again!" An Luo said to Xuan Yu like this.

Xuan Yu said angrily: "When she changes, it won't be you. Forget it, let's meet in the next plane!"

"Wait a minute, what are you doing in this world?"

"Huh? Are you finally interested in my affairs? You haven't asked me before."

"Then will you tell me?"

"No, no, I also have my tasks, which have nothing to do with you."

An Luo maintained Suzy's life for a total of 412 days, and the points obtained can delay the self-destruction for 150 years after exchange.

It's worth it!
Xuan Yu lived alone in this plane, his mana recovery reached 35%, and his memory recovery reached 30%.

(End of this chapter)

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