Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 324 Let go of that Milady

Chapter 324 Let go of that Milady (06)
But in An Luo's view, the worst thing is the Duke from country E. He seems to be able to easily see the king's uneasiness, and he also wants to make good use of this uneasiness. In An Luo's view, His behavior is a bit excessive.In particular, he said to everyone in the public: "I and the queen are old acquaintances, and I will always remember that night."

What's the mess?It should have been a royal ball at that time, the queen, who was still a princess at the time, danced with him, probably said some words to express her love, that's it, right?If you really love the queen, you should keep this feeling deep in your heart, right?Saying this in front of everyone is easy to associate, okay?

An Luo felt that he was not calm anymore. It might be a problem with the world view. The three views of people on this plane are very different from his own. Everything he sees is scum.

Maybe I shouldn't think about these problems, or should I focus on the advantages of these people?
Thinking about it this way, the whole world has become better. Judging from the appearance, the Duke of Country E is a traditional aristocrat, with elegant manners, a handsome appearance, and blue eyes that are particularly affectionate and charming.He has clear thinking and humorous conversation. It is no wonder that he is well-known in various countries and is a rare diplomatic talent.

However, the king of country F in front of him seemed much inferior, obviously unconfident, but his calmness under such internal and external pressure was really admirable.

As for Richelieu, he is really scheming, treacherous and cunning, with arrogance in respect and decency in arrogance, no wonder it puts so much pressure on the king, and makes him unpredictable, especially he always wears a mask on his eyes. The small mask on his head makes it even more difficult for people to see through his thoughts.

The queen's eyes fell on the duke repeatedly, and all of this was seen by the king. It could be seen that the king's heart was broken.

An Luo really wanted to wake up the queen, and let her be true to the person in front of her who really loved her, and not be fooled by the duke's rhetoric.

In contrast, D'Artagnan is as transparent as glass. He fights for honor, loyalty and friendship.He was proud and had a bit of the wildness of a country boy. Even in such a formal occasion, he dared to speak openly to Constance who was standing next to the queen, completely ignoring his humble status.

That's right, compared to these nobles, the members of the king's guard are indeed of relatively low status. Even if Ados and the others were once nobles, they have given up their status as nobles now.

Fortunately, the queen is a very gentle person, and she often heard Constance mention d'Artagnan, and she had a good impression of this young man, so she didn't give any harsh words.

However, when Milady appeared, An Luo felt that everything was different.

She is so easy to attract everyone's attention, whether it is a man or a woman.

She has a unique temperament, she seems to be proud of all men, but also able to make all men fall unconsciously.

If there was anyone on the scene who didn't care about these things, it was probably the king. All his thoughts were on the queen now, and he was drinking a glass of wine in anxiety.

Aramis didn't care either, he was still the same, not interested in this type of woman, but looking for girls who looked innocent.

He has his goals, An Luo knows.

In contrast, D'Artagnan's eyes were completely attracted by Milady, this super big trotter.

(End of this chapter)

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