Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 325 Let go of that Milady

Chapter 325 Let go of that Milady (07)
An Luo tried to calm himself down and understand d'Artagnan.

He is only 19 years old, and he is at the age of the most passionate. He is brave, reckless, and has the romantic blood of country F.He likes a young and beautiful girl like Constance, who is the most suitable candidate for his future wife in his mind.

But he would also be attracted to a woman like Milady, and this mysterious attraction was even more intense to him.

He is still young and eager to experience all kinds of things.

Thinking about it carefully, An Luo felt that he didn't hate him so much. This is the spirit of Ah Q in the legend, right?It is called "cognitive reappraisal" in psychology.

After all, it is very important to let yourself not hate them, because you will have to work with them for a long time. If you have too many personal emotions, it may be difficult to evaluate the situation objectively, and you will also be unhappy. of.

"I noticed that you have been looking at me." At some point, Milady came to An Luo's side and asked her softly.

Her voice is so soft and full of charm, An Luo really hopes to be like her, it seems that there is really something to learn if you want to be a lady.

"Hello! My name is Constance." An Luo said to her.

"Very good name, I like it very much." Milady said to her, "It seems that you are very curious about me. Is there anything you want to know? You can ask me anytime!"

It seemed that she was very enthusiastic, and one thing An Luo didn't know was that she had stolen the queen's jewelry when she was late.

This is really a cunning devil-like woman, yes, she is already Nine-Tails now.

Ados did hang her and succeeded, but Kyuubi became her, started life with a new identity, and flourished in this world, becoming an extremely important existence.

Obviously she still has something to do, but she still sneaked in and told An Luo an address: "Come find me when you are free, I miss you."

An Luo didn't think much about it either, Jiuwei is her best friend, and the two of them haven't seen each other in the last plane, so it's not strange to find a chance to have a long talk now, she never thought that this guy is a man by nature. man.

At this moment, Richelieu, the gentleman in red, came over and asked, "You two noble ladies, what are you talking about?"

"Secret!" said Milady, and went away.

Richelieu said to Anro: "Stay away from him."

"Master Nine-Tails will not harm me." An Luo said.

"Stupid!" Richelieu seemed a little unhappy, "Forget it, the queen is also dancing now, would you like to dance with me?"

"How can this work?" An Luo said in surprise, "We are enemies, right? Besides, you have such a noble status, how can you?"

"What honor? I said, I am willing to be your most loyal servant forever, believe me." After speaking, Richelieu dragged her into the dance floor, and under the surprised eyes of everyone, he completed a song.

His aura is clearly so powerful, how can he look like a servant?It's still aloof at all!An Luo thought to himself.

Four of the people present here travel through time and space. So far, no trace of the snake king and tree demon has been found. I hope they don't get involved. It's already very chaotic. Know who to stand with.

So, just be free and follow your own ideas.

(End of this chapter)

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