Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 329 Let go of that Milady

Chapter 329 Let go of that Milady (11)
When they arrived at the coast of country E, everyone rode forward. The horse was brought over from country F by boat.

Along the way, he hurried to the capital of Country F and found the castle where the Duke lived.

It is said that the duke has just returned, but it may not be so easy to see him.

Anyway, it's better to meet directly first.

Fortunately, however, the duke agreed to their request and invited them into the duke's castle.

For the sake of safety, only Anlo and d'Artagnan entered the castle.

"Early this morning, I just received a tip that spies would come to find me. I didn't expect you to come so soon." Obviously, the Duke didn't trust them.

He looked at An Luo carefully and asked, "If I remember correctly, you are Queen Anna's maid. Didn't we just meet a few days ago? Why are you also a spy?"

"My lord duke, I am absolutely loyal to the queen. In order to be able to convey a message to the queen, I am willing to sacrifice my own life. I have also experienced a near-death in coming to see you today, and it is definitely not for any personal benefit." An Luo He said solemnly, "Now the Queen's life and death are at stake, we are here to ask for your help."

"Help of what?" said the Duke doubtfully.

"It's the whole set of jewelry. It wasn't actually given to you by the queen, but someone pretended to be the queen in order to separate the king and queen." An Luo told the truth, hoping to solve this problem normally.

The Duke frowned and said sternly: "So your queen has no intentions of me?"

"I don't know, my lord duke, I only know that this jewelry is related to the queen's reputation."

"Is there a letter from the Queen?"

This is the most important thing. An Luo feels that he still doesn't understand the rules, and he should send the letter first.

She delivered the letter sealed by the Queen herself and handed it to the Duke.

After reading it, the Duke sighed: "Sure enough, I'm just being self-indulgent. I thought she liked me too. It seems that I was wrong after all."

An Luo held his breath, quietly waiting for the Duke's reply.

Unexpectedly, the Duke went on to say: "However, I didn't receive any jewelry, and I didn't write the letter you mentioned. I also felt something during this meeting, so I decided not to bother you anymore." queen."

The plot is wrong.

An Luo was a little panicked, the jewelry is not in the Duke's place, where should it be?

The duke went on to say, "Hey, I'm really unhappy today, and you know I'm so embarrassing. What do you think I should do?"

An Luo and d'Artagnan looked at each other, not knowing what he meant.

The Duke rang the bell on the table, and a whole team of guards rushed in and surrounded An Luo and the others.

"My lord duke, what are you doing?" An Luo asked.

"Do you still need to ask? Kill us!" D'Artagnan said.

The Duke smiled and said: "Young man, I appreciate you very much, you are very smart, but it's a pity." After finishing speaking, he waved his hand lightly.

Even if the plot is broken, you have to stick to it!In order to see the Duke just now, he had already taken off his saber, and now he is absolutely unarmed.

However, when there is no weapon, you can take the enemy's weapon!
The Duke's order was issued, and when those people were about to charge forward, An Luo and d'Artagnan looked at each other, rushed over quickly, snatched the weapons of the two people in front, each with a sword, then The two fell to the ground in response, followed by swords and swords, and a big battle began in the Duke's reception room.

(End of this chapter)

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