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Chapter 330 Let go of that Milady

Chapter 330 Let go of that Milady (12)
The battle was in full swing, and An Luo was considering whether to use Thunder Wrath to deal with more and more enemies, when he suddenly heard the sound of crashing, the earl's window glass was smashed from the outside, and three vigorous figures Flew in through the window.

"I knew it, the Duke is very cunning!" Athos said with a smile, "It seems that we came at the right time!"

Portos said: "How can such a lively scene be without me?"

Aramis looked at the mess and said, "Ah! I want to pray for them!"

"That's enough!" An Luo was angry, when is it, can we get down to business?
The five people retreated while beating, and finally jumped out of the broken glass window, and fell into the garden along the rope, but obviously, the danger was not eliminated.

They caught up, obviously trying to put them to death.

Just running away all the way, a carriage suddenly appeared in front of him, and a woman's voice said, "Get in the carriage!"

It was Milady.

Now I can't take care of so much. Although Athos is very unhappy, he is still pushed into the car by Aramis.

The carriage galloped and stopped when it came to a mansion.

After entering the mansion, Milady took off her hat and said to them: "How is it? How do you feel about this adventure?"

Athos pointed his weapon at her head, and said, "What do you want?"

Milady pushed him away gently: "My dear Athos, when did you become so irritable?"

Porthos said in a low voice, "That's how he sees you."

Aramis tugged Porthos lightly to keep him silent.

An Luo asked: "Milady, what is going on here? Where will the Duke hide the jewelry? I will find it no matter what."

Milady wiped off the blood on An Luo's face: "Look at you, why are you doing these things? Why bother? Follow me from now on. Be my younger sister. You can enjoy endless glory and wealth. Why bother to be a queen?" Maid, do so many hard things?"

An Luo knew that Milady was very rich, but even if she didn't work as a maid herself, she could live comfortably.Therefore, all of this is not about money, but for dreams, or things that feel meaningful.

Aramis was a little unhappy, stopped between Milady and An Luo, and said to Milady, "Can you stop being a secret?"

Milady smiled and touched Aramis's face: "Oh, it's really rare. The most beautiful man in our world actually spoke to me. I'm really touched. To tell you the truth, everything I did today was For you. How about it? Just be my guest of honor tonight, okay?"

Aramis was so angry that he rushed over to bite Milady.

An Luo is very familiar with this scene. The two of them had a small fight every three days and a big fight every five days in the sealed land, but it is a bit embarrassing to fight in front of outsiders now, so An Luo hurriedly grabbed Aramis. He and Milady were far apart.

On the whole, this Milady did not get on well with everyone.

Time was running out, so An Luo had no choice but to continue to ask Milady. She smiled and said, "Okay! To be honest, the jewelry has never left country F at all, and it is still in the hands of Lord Red."

"So what are you doing all this for?" An Luo asked suspiciously.

"The purpose is to test whether the Duke is friendly." Milady said to her, "Everything we do is for country F, and of course it is also to test whether the queen is loyal. It seems that everything is not bad!"

(End of this chapter)

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