Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 338 Let go of that Milady

Chapter 338 Let go of that Milady (20)
This city is actually very suitable for selling flowers, because almost everyone is very romantic, and they will send each other a bouquet or two of flowers if they have nothing to do.

"After all, this belongs to the kingdom of flower fairies." An Luo explained.

"Really? I thought flower fairies belonged to neon." Aramis said in surprise.

"Obviously, you must not be serious when listening to the story." An Luo said with a smile.

Aramis would visit this flower shop every day and buy a bouquet of flowers, but he didn't know who he was going to give it to.

Bordeaux would also patronize this flower shop, and he would bring a lady with him every time, and then the lady would pay.

Generally speaking, An Luo's business is very good.

She had just closed the door that day, when suddenly a figure flashed in.She was taken aback, thinking that there were thieves who wanted to rob her of today's income, so she was ready to fight.

However, when this person took off his hat and mask, An Luo discovered that he was Lord Richelieu, the mysterious feather of this world.

"Dear Lord Richelieu, why did you come to the humble house?" An Luo asked.

Richelieu picked up a red rose and handed it to An Luo: "Dear Constance, we haven't seen each other for a long time, you should know how much I miss you."

An Luo felt hehe. She seldom misses others, so she didn't really understand. She just felt that he was either hypocritical or hypocritical.

Even so, she still took the flower very politely, and now she really wanted to ask him about the Duke and Milady. She had always felt that it was not appropriate, so she controlled her strong curiosity, and Monsieur Richelieu was never approached.

However, before she asked her question, she already felt his warm thin lips.

For a moment, the emotions that had been suppressed all the time surged, and the calm An Luo fell into such a state of confusion that he didn't even notice that the door of the flower shop was pushed open.

"You, Monsieur Richelieu?" D'Artagnan's voice made An Luo wake up suddenly, and she followed the prestige, and it was really D'Artagnan standing at the door at a loss.

Oh my god, I still didn't find out. An Luo tried to push Richelieu away, but he held him even tighter, and he couldn't break free at all.

An Luo had already discovered that her natural supernatural power just couldn't defeat him, which was really unscientific.

But the current situation is really embarrassing.During this period of time, An Luo has tried to avoid meeting d'Artagnan. She is looking forward to the return of the original owner almost every day, although the system says that such a chance is very slim.

She admired D'Artagnan very much, but that was another matter, as a companion and comrade in arms.In terms of feelings, as herself, it is impossible to accept him.

A woman who doesn't explicitly refuse is a scumbag, An Luo now feels that she is a scumbag, if she knew this, she would have given d'Artagnan a negative answer earlier.

"Since this is the case, let's fight, my lord Richelieu." D'Artagnan didn't flinch at all, and decided to resolve the matter by a duel.

This made An Luo suddenly realize that their brain circuit is different from that of oriental people. They are willing to work hard for love, and the more frustrated they become, the more courageous they become.

Things seemed to be getting more troublesome. An Luo wanted to tell him that it was unnecessary, but Richelieu said first: "You should know the prohibition of dueling, right? Young man."

(End of this chapter)

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