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Chapter 339 Let go of that Milady

Chapter 339 Let go of that Milady (21)
D'Artagnan obviously didn't care about this, he said to Richelieu: "Of course I know, but so what?"

"This decree was issued by myself, and it is impossible for me to violate this decree." Richelieu smiled helplessly.

"Are you laughing at me?" D'Artagnan had already drawn out his sword.

This is a proud young man who will never allow anyone to trample on his dignity.

But no matter how I think about it, I don't think it has anything to do with him. Does he know that he is the protagonist?
An Luo pulled out Richelieu's sword and said to d'Artagnan, "Master Richelieu is right. This is a decree signed by him and he cannot violate it. If you want to fight, come with me." Bar."

"What are you talking about? How could I use a sword with a girl, let alone the girl I love." D'Artagnan became even more angry, "I see, it seems that he is the one you like ,right?"

An Luo had no choice but to admit that she also wanted Constance and d'Artagnan to be together in her heart. It would be great if she could travel through time and space to become someone else. Golden boy and jade girl.

D'Artagnan was very sad, but short-term pain is worse than long-term pain, which is also good for him.

Richelieu said to d'Artagnan: "Since you have come here today, why don't we have a good chat. For young people, love is like sugar, which is dispensable, and career is salt, which is never missing. "

An Luo said in his heart, aren't you adding salt to other people's wounds?Since love is optional, what on earth are you doing here today?Could it be that you want to discuss with me the great cause of revitalizing Country F?Come to think of it, maybe it really is.

Xuan Yu-Richelieu can also be considered a very charismatic person, right?He actually persuaded d'Artagnan to have a chat with him lightly. The two were on the second floor of the flower shop, drinking a little wine and having a long talk.

Obviously, after this long talk, d'Artagnan had a new perspective on life.

The two didn't leave until midnight.

It was only then that An Luo remembered what he wanted to ask about Milady, but he didn't ask at all.

However, I am quiet emotionally, I hope d'Artagnan can have a new start.

She hoped that D'Artagnan would not pretend to be that Earl Wald, otherwise he would be given a good lesson by Milady, maybe. . .In this regard, An Luo didn't know much about Nine Tails.

Richelieu didn't come to her again after that day, probably because he found that it was not safe?

However, An Luo's question was quickly answered, and within a few days, she received an invitation to come to Milady, hoping that she could go to the banquet.

Milady seemed to be in a very good mood, and An Luo asked her what happened.

"After sending you off that day, I never left country E again. I don't need to carry out Richelieu's order, and everything is designed by me according to the mission." Milady told her, "Actually, the mission is very important. Simple, just kill him! With my skills, it's like turning the palm of your hand."

Therefore, neither looking for Milady's former brother-in-law, Earl Winton, nor passing through the bewitching guards, it was a simple mission to assassinate the Duke, and it was a perfect success.

"Then they don't want you now?" An Luo asked worriedly.

"Don't worry, everything is perfect." Milady said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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