Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 341 Let go of that Milady

Chapter 341 Let go of that Milady (23)
"This is the most classic scene in this story." Milady said with a sneer. "Several men who call themselves noble knights came together to arrest a defenseless woman. Don't you want to see this classic scene?" ?"

"Milady, shouldn't this be one of your tasks too?"

"Don't make wild guesses," Milady said. "Anyway, I know they will come, so I will wait here too. You can go and leave me alone."

However, An Luo still did not follow her advice, and decided to stay and wait for the arrival of Ados and others.

Milady said helplessly: "Actually, I need to give up this identity now, because Country E has already investigated some things about me."

"Will Master Richelieu protect you?"

"He has abandoned me."

"Why?" An Luo didn't understand, "Aren't you guys cooperating?"

"Before getting rid of the Duke, we were cooperating, but after getting rid of the Duke, I'm his burden, at least he thinks so." Milady explained, "So now I'm surrounded by enemies, isolated and helpless."

"Then let's go together, find a small town in the south, plant flowers and raise cattle, it will be very pleasant." An Luo said to her.

Kyuubi-Milady stroked her hair and said with a smile, "Are you really willing to part with your black feather?"

"It's nothing. I don't understand what he is doing now, and I don't want to get involved at all."

"This is a really good idea, but I have to complete this duel, which is very important to me. You only need to be a spectator, don't worry too much about me."

Sure enough, in the middle of the night, Ados and others really came, and they brought the arrest warrant and execution order signed by Lord Richelieu.

An Luo couldn't figure out whether they were doing these things for the sake of the mission, or whether they really regarded Milady as someone who had to be eliminated and gave up on her strategically.

"Where are you going?" An Luo asked.

"Constance, this matter has nothing to do with you." Athos said, "No, maybe I should say, haven't you recognized the true face of this woman? It was Milady who hurt you before. "

An Luo glanced at Milady in surprise, did she send someone to kill the original owner?

Milady shook her head slightly: "That's not me, it's Rochefort."

"Rochefort has been dismissed, he said he was bewitched by you at the beginning." Ados said to her, "But now it seems that your charm is still there, and it is not difficult to control a man's thinking, right?

"Thank you so much Mr. Athos!" Milady joked to him, still polite rather than elegant, without getting angry.

No one seemed willing to believe her innocence, and now that there were warrants and executions here, Milady had to go with them.

Athos ordered Anro to stay, so Aramis proposed to leave two accompanying guards and let them guard Anro.

Everything was arranged properly, and Aramis gave An Luo a meaningful smile.

This probably means that these two guards are specially reserved for her, right?As soon as they stepped forward, An Luo had already knocked down the two guards, and quickly changed into their clothes, and chased them out.

Because she already knew the specific route, she quickly followed them.

(End of this chapter)

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