Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 342 Let go of that Milady

Chapter 342 Let go of that Milady (24)
Everyone's emotions are very heavy.

An Luo knew that both Athos and d'Artagnan at the scene liked Milady, and they might also feel very sad, but their dignity told them that they had to do this meaningless thing of so-called revenge.

An Luo knocked out a guard and replaced him.

The place where they plan to execute is really three steps, one post, five steps and one sentry. It is not very easy to sneak in.

However, it is precisely because of the relatively high mobility of these people that no one has discovered that An Luo is a fake guard for the time being.

They first counted Milady's crimes. In short, they heard that Milady was really a beauty.

"May I have a chance to defend myself?" Milady asked.

"No." Athos said, "All of us here must be careful, otherwise we will be easily moved by her, and thus have the idea of ​​letting her go."

An Luo thought to himself, is it really so magical?This is simply the same as Su Daji back then, of course that Daji back then was also her, Nine Tails.

It's no wonder these men are so afraid of her. Maybe she represents some unstable factors. In the author Dumas's pen, he actually likes and fears her.

In that era, men liked women who could control them, right?If they can't grasp a woman, they will feel like a demon, which is both attractive and frightening.

"But it's really too much to not even give a chance to defend yourself?" An Luo still blurted out, expressing his dissatisfaction.

Athos was a little displeased, and he ordered d'Artagnan to take Anro away and settle it all himself.

Rather, he kept everyone far away and planned to do it all by himself.

However, it was clear that he still couldn't do it, even though he had been waiting for this moment for a long time, and in the end he failed and replaced the executioner.

"I found you at last," said the executioner. "You ruined my brother's reputation, and you must pay for it."

"Hey, your brother is not a child, did he run away voluntarily? How could it be blamed on Milady?" An Luo retorted unhappily.

"D'Artagnan, why don't you take her away?" said Athos angrily.

But D'Artagnan no longer has this power, because he and An Luo have long since lost any affection.Even so, he still tried to persuade An Luo a few words, hoping that she would stop worrying about this matter.

"No one dares to disobey Lord Richelieu's orders."

"At that time, I really doubted the authenticity of your arrest warrant and execution warrant." An Luo asked, "Just treat me as Milady's family, please show me, what exactly are the two? Whether the order is true or not."

"Are you just delaying time?" D'Artagnan saw An Luo's plan.

Nevertheless, if one is Milady's dear friend, one has a right to look at it.

Athos handed An Luo both warrants and told him to take a closer look.

An Luo tore up both parts of the document.

Now things are in trouble, An Luo suddenly changed from a friend of the three musketeers to an enemy of the three musketeers.

But An Luo felt that he had never put himself in the mentality of a friend from the very beginning.

(End of this chapter)

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