Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 343 Let go of that Milady

Chapter 343 Let go of that Milady (25)
An Luo never dreamed that one day he would be pointed at by Ados with a sword.

Now Athos was really angry, and his right hand holding the sharp sword even trembled a little.

Porthos also said angrily: "Constance, I really didn't expect you to be such a person, thanks to the fact that we trusted you so much before and regarded you as a good friend."

"No, it's two different things. I just don't want you to hurt Milady. She doesn't deserve to die, and everything she does is not all for herself. Speaking of the high-sounding reasons you mentioned, then any of you here No one is innocent." An Luo said angrily,

"But why are you so harsh on a woman? If she is a man, is everything she does reasonable?"

The executioner said angrily: "If it is because of her, my brother will not steal and escape!"

"There are so many men, but she doesn't do it, but your brother fell into the trap. Does it mean that your brother is not firm enough? Is his character not noble enough? That's why he was taken advantage of by others?" An Luo knew What I said was the typical straight man's theory of "girls wear skirts that are too short, so that's why they do something", but it was really suitable to fight back against these disgusting straight men.

"Everything was said by you, and Milady didn't even have a chance to refute. I also suspect that your younger brother tricked the beautiful Milady away! He also married her to a certain earl, and Your younger brother gained a lot of gold coins because of this, didn't he? How do you look at it, your younger brother is not a real innocent white lotus, right?"

An Luo said here, looked at the executioner and said: "I still want to ask, is there no one to care about an executioner like you who executes without permission? At the beginning, Milady didn't need to be branded at all, you did it privately Right? I don’t know what will happen if the great king and the great Richelieu find out about this matter.”

"And you, Mr. Athos, you are so wise, I really want to ask you, if a woman finds out that her husband has committed a crime, she can kill him privately without asking about any circumstances. Execution? I believe there are many such men, right?" An Luo became more and more aggressive.

Athos was so angry that he almost fainted.

Portos tried to catch An Luo, but An Luo counterattacked: "Mr. Strong Portos, I really have nothing to complain about you. In comparison, I think you are a person who respects us very much. As for those people, they are really much better, I don’t know what you think of my point of view.”

Portos was stunned. In fact, he never looked at it, and he didn't use his brain at all.

While he was in a daze, An Luo said to d'Artagnan again: "Passionate d'Artagnan, may I ask your heart? Are you angry at the crimes she committed, or are you asking for help?" No? Do you dare to speak the truth out loud?"

D'Artagnan clenched his sword tightly. If Constance was not in front of him, he should have swung his sword, but now he can hardly control the embarrassment in his heart.

"And you, Aramis..." An Luo searched for Aramis, but did not see him.

 Voice code words, watching the baby at the same time, I am really confused, there are typos, sorry
(End of this chapter)

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