Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 344 Let go of that Milady

Chapter 344 Let go of that Milady (26)
Not only was Aramis gone, but the most frightening thing was that Milady was gone.

They searched and found Aramis fainted in the nearby grass.

He said that someone had come to rescue Milady, knocked him down at the same time, and dragged him here while they were not paying attention.

An Luo didn't know whether others believed it or not, anyway, she would never believe it herself.

With Aramis' skill, how could someone easily knock him unconscious and drag him away?And it was said that he was knocked out, so why didn't he have any wounds?
Of course, these objective evidences are not very important. The important thing is that this enchanting Aramis will never hurt Nine-Tails Milady. Milady let go.

But obviously, these people are very smart, especially EEDS, who saw through Aramis's logical self-contradiction at a glance.

It's just that because there were many outsiders present, Athos didn't expose Aramis to his face.

"They questioned me yesterday." Early the next morning, Aramis went to the flower shop to find An Luo, and bought flowers by the way.

"Really? Then how did you answer?" An Luo asked him. Because Milady escaped last night, everyone had to go home separately, but everyone's attitude towards An Luo was not very good, and they didn't say anything to her. , I don't know whether it is because of anger or shame.

Of course, An Luo also felt that she was going too far, exposing other people's shortcomings and scars everywhere, and she felt that she had never done such an excessive thing.

Aramis told her that he had let Milady go by himself.Of course Athos was very angry, but Aramis explained that he did it for everyone's good.

"That's what I said. It is obvious that Constance tore up these documents at the instruction of Lord Richelieu. Their purpose was to turn our execution of Milady into a lynching, and let us Lord Richelieu will be responsible, or Richelieu will take this opportunity to get rid of us." Aramis explained.

"Then you can persuade everyone to let her go, why secretly let her go?"

"I told them that it was already hard to get off at that time, and this method was used to give everyone a step down. Moreover, in this way, Milady should remain anonymous for a period of time and will not make trouble again."

"They're not worried? Milady will take revenge on them."

"Of course they are worried, but there are quite a lot of enemies. This is also a normal state."

However, this is only the version that Aramis told everyone.He also told An Luo the real situation.He said that this incident was fundamentally Richelieu's conspiracy, and released some information to let everyone seek revenge on Milady. As for Aramis, his task was to take the opportunity to release Milady.

Milady should take the opportunity to go to other places to perform tasks.And Richelieu will announce to the outside world that she has indeed been executed.This is more appropriate for her identity.

"In this case, will Athos and the others agree?"

"Don't worry, we didn't go home last night. We went directly to Richelieu's palace. They have already agreed to this statement. After all, it is good for face. Of course, Mr. Richelieu said that as long as they agree to this If there is such an argument, don’t pursue it, they lost the arrest warrant and the execution order.” Aramis said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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