Chapter 354
An Luo has been living in Prince Xuan's Mansion for the past few days, and he feels very happy. If he knew it was so good, he would not pretend to be filial. .

Now I am the only owner of this family, and I really say the same thing. Every maid and woman dare to talk back, and immediately carry out any orders, which is completely different from the lazy look in the Shun Palace.

But if you think about it carefully, maybe it's because these people also saw the battle when she left Prince Shun's Mansion?Probably because I was worried that if I talked back or moved slowly, I would be kicked and become a little star.

This day, An Luo was looking at the accounts at home. Didn't the previous 70 taels be given to the old concubine? She decided to manage well and try to earn back the 70 taels.While thinking about it, someone suddenly reported that the Queen Mother had sent someone.

An Luo didn't find it strange at all, that Princess Shun must have asked the Queen Mother for help because she suffered a loss, she had been waiting.

In fact, Princess Shun not only found the queen mother, but also found the family of the original owner of An Luo, that is, Chen Hanlin. The coercion and temptation frightened Chen Hanlin so much that he sent the original owner's mother to look for it several times, persuading her to sign the contract. I got a letter of divorce and went home.

An Luo also spent a lot of energy on this aspect. She persuaded her mother not to worry at all, she sat upright so she was not afraid of what others would say.

Even if she wanted a divorce, she had to propose it herself. What the hell was the divorce letter?

But mother was always worried that Shun Palace would be bad for them.

"Don't think about it so much. If there is something that can't be solved, just come to me, and I can solve it."

After hearing these words, the mother felt that the reason why An Luo was so pushy must be because she had other men as backers behind her, and she became even more worried: "Daughter, since you are married to King Xuan, you must obey the rules of women. , don't do anything that would embarrass our Chen family."

"Please don't worry, mother, I won't."

In fact, An Luo does have a backer. This plane can be said to be very well-equipped with personnel, but they worked hard before An Luo came, and now all of them are successful and famous, and they are in a state of retirement.

Except that the tree demon is Lord Chu, the Snake King is General Jiayong who shocked the entire plane, and Mi Mei is the youngest uncle of the Holy Lord, King Pingyang.

In addition, there is another very important trump card, that is the big shot she is going to meet today, the Queen Mother.

This queen mother is none other than Nine Tails.

An Luo came to the palace and met Nine-Tails-Queen Dowager. The two of them hit it off as before. The Queen Mother was so happy, she insisted that An Luo remarry the current Holy Majesty.

Of course An Luo refused, and she just told the Queen Mother objectively about the situation she encountered: "Actually, I have nothing to do. Someone spread rumors about me, if I don’t care, I’ll be fine.”

"You can think about it." The Queen Mother said with a smile, "Okay, I'll take care of this matter. But, I feel sorry for you, and you have been a widow for decades, what should you do?"

"It's okay, I don't care about these things, you have to know, I'm a little rock that can endure loneliness very much."

Sure enough, with the Empress Dowager acting as a peacemaker, Princess Shun finally stopped making trouble, and everything calmed down for the time being.

(End of this chapter)

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