Chapter 355
Basically, An Luo felt that he could walk sideways in this world, but he had nothing to be proud of. After all, it did not depend on his own ability, but on the support of the four masters.

I don't know why, although everyone's memories are incomplete, but the memories of each other have been deeply engraved in their hearts. explained.

However, An Luo's own combat power is also absolutely important, otherwise the previous few times would have been finished. After all, these four masters often hang on to their own affairs, and even wait to watch the excitement.

Especially King Pingyang, who is the youngest uncle of Shengshang today. He should also be counted as An Luo's uncle now. Because he was young, he was also the most beloved son of the late king's father. He is only sixteen or seventeen now. At the age of [-], she grew up like a flower like a jade, and the country is like a jade, it is simply the most beautiful dream in the hearts of all the girls in the capital.

But this kid is not doing his job properly, just idles around all day long, doing some inconspicuous things, such as holding a beauty pageant, saying that it is to reserve power for the Holy Majesty's harem, it doesn't matter, but the beauty pageant needs money!Investor sponsorship is needed!Fortunately, he asked An Luo to help him figure out how to get investment.

"My lord, you see, I'm really embarrassed about this matter. I'm just a woman, so it's not good to show my face?" An Luo wanted to reject him.

King Pingyang blinked his eyes and said: "Princess Xuan is really a good woman who obeys women's morals. How about this, I will apply for a memorial archway for you from the Holy Majesty, and you are definitely worthy of it."

"What you said is extremely disrespectful to me, do you know that?" An Luo said angrily, "Even if you are my uncle now!"

"Your wings are hard? Dare to refute me?" King Pingyang was also angry, "Believe it or not, I will kill you!"

A burst of thunder fell in front of King Pingyang, and instantly shattered his anger.

"Well, good sister, can I be wrong? Don't dare to say such things again! But, sister, you must help me with this beauty pageant." King Mei Pingyang became obedient in an instant, begging An Luo for help .

"By the way, what are you doing with your work?"

"I want to find her, but I haven't met her in several worlds. I think there is something wrong, and I'm so flustered."

Only then did An Luo know that he wanted to use this method to find the mysterious girl (see "Fan Wai Mei Mei" for details on her identity), but she felt that it was normal even if she couldn't meet her. Mission accomplished.But she didn't dare to say these words, she was very worried that after she said it, Yao Mei would start to do bad things again, so as to lure that girl out.

She just said: "It's yours, it's yours after all, since the two of you are destined, you will naturally meet."

"I can't take it anymore, this illusory fate, what if I never meet her again?"

An Luo frowned and said to him: "If you love someone, let you become a better self."

"However, I find that I am becoming less and less famous now. Maybe only by being a bad person can I become more famous and let her notice me." Qi Mei really had such dangerous thoughts.

An Luo was a little nervous, and he had to restrain it. Whether he could end this plane travel early to prevent self-destruction, the key point was how much evil he did.

If he really wanted to be a good guy all the time, she might be able to finish the task soon.

(End of this chapter)

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