Chapter 359
The mysterious girl's name is Jiuhua, and she is a young apprentice in a newly opened medical clinic in the capital. Although she is said to be a young apprentice, she seems to be a favorite of the group.Just to allow her to participate in the competition, her master Xuanchen simply opened the medical clinic from other places to the capital.

Jiuhua stopped in the rematch, which made King Pingyang very happy, and begged An Luo to propose marriage.

"My lord, I'm afraid you are confused. What is my identity? If you want to propose marriage, you still need a husband and a woman with both children." An Luo refused.

King Pingyang worked hard: "Is it hypocritical? Do you really think I can't beat you?"

"Then let's do this! I'll go talk to her, and when the time is right, you can send a suitable matchmaker to formally propose marriage." An Luo said.

This medical clinic is located on the busiest street in the capital. An Luo got off the sedan chair, fanned a small fan and entered the medical clinic.

"Excuse me, madam, what do you want to buy?" A young man in the hall asked An Luo.

"I'm here to find Jiuhua." An Luo replied.

"Wait a moment." The waiter called upstairs: "Jiuhua, someone is looking for you."

"Come on!"

Not long after, a little girl ran down from upstairs and was surprised when she saw An Luo: "You are Princess Xuan?"

An Luo chatted with her and asked her if she was interested in King Pingyang.

"Prince Pingyang? He is a prince, how can he like me?" It seems that she has no previous memory, which is troublesome, and it depends on the personal charm of Pingyang King.

An Luo then said to her: "The fate between this person and this person is destined by heaven. It's just such a coincidence that he likes you. What do you think of him?"

Jiuhua said shyly, "I'll listen to Master about this important matter of marriage."

The girl explained that a plague broke out in her hometown three years ago, and she was abandoned by her family because of her serious illness. It was her master, Doctor Xuanchen, who saved her. In her opinion, the master was her biological parents, so the marriage was a major event. , but also master to decide.

"In that case, I'll find a time to meet your master." After An Luo finished speaking, he went back to Prince Xuan's Mansion first, and sent someone to send an invitation to Doctor Xuanchen, asking him to come to Prince Xuan's Mansion the next morning .

Not long after, the servant reported back, saying that Dr. Xuan Chen promised to come tomorrow morning to give Princess Xuan a pulse.

It seems that he thought he was looking for a doctor, but it doesn't matter, as long as people can come.

The next morning, An Luo was drinking tea in the main hall of the front yard, waiting for Doctor Xuanchen's visit. Seeing that the time was approaching, there was a burst of crying outside the door, which sounded like the cry of the old housekeeper.

"What happened?" An Luo asked the maid, "Go and see!"

The maid ran out and didn't come back for a while, the crying outside the door became even louder, as if the maid was crying too.

An Luo is angry, who is this, who bullied our Prince Xuan's Mansion?See if I don't give you some power! Look!

She took two maids to the gate of Prince Xuan's Mansion, and saw a group of servants, headed by the old housekeeper, kneeling on the ground, weeping bitterly. boy.

The doctor was in his early thirties, handsome and personable, and most importantly, An Luo recognized him as Xuan Yu.

From the look in his eyes, he also recognized her.

An Luo asked the doctor: "Excuse me, are you Doctor Xuanchen?"

"Exactly, you are Princess Xuan?"

"Yes, Doctor Xuanchen, please."

Why did the old housekeeper and the others have a fit? Let's wait until they go in and ask in detail. She doesn't want to be watched by people at the door.

(End of this chapter)

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