Chapter 360
After Doctor Xuanchen came in, the old butler followed with a group of servants, and everyone knelt down in the courtyard.

Doctor Xuanchen was stunned when he saw this posture, and asked: "This, Wangfei, the courtesies of your palace are too considerate, right? It really doesn't have to be like this."

An Luo felt very embarrassed, so he said to the old butler, "Butler, why are you doing this?"

The old butler has finally calmed down now. He was too excited just now and couldn't even speak. He said excitedly, "My lord, it's my lord who's back."

"What prince?"

"Prince Xuan."

An Luo took a closer look at the doctor Xuanchen in front of her. She was mainly looking at the aura just now, and recognized that it was Xuan Yu, but she didn't analyze the appearance carefully.In fact, the original owner didn't meet the lord very many times, they just passed by in a flash, and usually they mainly exchanged letters, and the image in her mind had been processed many times, so she felt very vague.

After the old housekeeper reminded her, she realized that this person was really a bit like Prince Xuan.

"No, can't it? Could it be that people are similar?" An Luo asked the old housekeeper.

The old housekeeper's wife said: "Princess, let me say something disrespectful. I have watched Prince Xuan grow up, so it is impossible not to recognize him." She is Prince Xuan's nanny, and she is indeed very familiar with Prince Xuan.

An Luo looked at Dr. Xuanchen and asked, "Are you Prince Xuan?"

The doctor replied: "I don't know, I have amnesia."

The old steward's wife went on to say: "My lord has a birthmark on his back, not only I know it, but Princess Shun also knows it very well."

That being the case, it is better to leave this matter to Prince Shun and Princess Shun. After all, they are the parents of Prince Xuan, so they should have a way to recognize him.

Now that he couldn't care about talking about Jiuhua, An Luo ordered someone to carry the sedan chair and take Dr. Xuanchen to Shun Palace, followed by himself with the housekeeper and others.

When we arrived at Prince Shun's Mansion, it seemed that the scene was not so warm. The person who opened the door was scared out of his wits, and ran to the inner courtyard, shouting, "King Xuan is back!"

Not long after, Prince Shun and Princess Shun also came out with the support of servants. After seeing Xuan Chen, they burst into tears, and Prince Shun fainted because of being too excited.Fortunately, Xuanchen's medical skills are excellent, and he quickly rescued Prince Shun.

After Prince Shun's condition stabilized, Princess Shun and the nanny checked the birthmark on Xuanchen's back together, and they were sure that it was really Prince Xuan.

King Xuan narrated his experience in the past few years, saying that he was rescued by an old Chinese doctor, but he lost his memory and didn't know his identity. He only left a jade pendant without an identity mark.As he spoke, he took out the jade pendant, and Princess Shun cried even harder. This is Princess Shun's family heirloom, and she gave it to King Xuan because she loved her so much.

Later, he started to establish his own family and gradually gained some fame. This time he wanted to come to the capital to develop, but he didn't expect that he would be King Xuan.

Although the prince's amnesia made everyone a little sad, but in the end it's good to come back.Concubine Shun also ordered people to inform the Holy Majesty and the Queen Mother of the matter quickly.

Originally, I thought that the Holy Majesty would summon him again in a few days, but I didn't expect that the Holy Majesty heard about this and sent someone to inform him that King Xuan and his wife would have an audience immediately.

Both An Luo and Xuan Chen put on appropriate gorgeous costumes and entered the palace to meet the Holy Majesty.

Don't mention how happy the sage is. King Xuan was the sage's companion at that time. The two grew up together and have a deep relationship.The Queen Mother, however, was not very happy, but congratulations to An Luo, who kept the clouds open to see the moonlight.

(End of this chapter)

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