Chapter 361
The Holy Majesty proposed that this event must be celebrated well. On the fifteenth day of this month, a banquet will be held in the palace, and all princes and ministers will be invited to attend, which is considered to welcome the return of King Xuan.

It's just that King Xuan's disappearance was also framed by someone, and now the people behind the scenes have not been found out, and there seems to be hidden dangers, the Holy One told Xuanchen to be careful in everything.

After returning from the palace, Dr. Xuanyu Xuanwang Xuanchen returned to Xuanwang Mansion with An Luo.

"I should still inform the people in my clinic about this matter. They must be very worried after being out for a whole day." On the way, Xuan Chen said.

As a result, at the gate of Prince Xuan's Mansion, the disciples of the medical center had already arrived and were waiting in the reception room.

"Master, are you okay?" Jiuhua asked.

"It's okay." Xuanchen smiled and said to them, "Something happened temporarily, which made you worry."

After that, he briefly explained the situation, and then said: "Since I am actually King Xuan, I should bear the responsibility of being a prince and share the worries of the Holy One, but this medical clinic has to be closed."

Qishuang is Xuanchen's eldest disciple, he hurriedly said: "Master, what should we do?"

"Will you continue to follow me?"

These disciples looked at each other and smiled: "Thank you Master for your unwavering grace."

An Luo ordered someone to arrange the food and drinks, and tidy up the courtyard for the three disciples to live in.She let the two boys live in the guest room in the outer courtyard, but let Jiuhua live in the inner courtyard, and asked two maids to serve her.

At night, An Luo and Xuan Yu finally had time to spend alone.

"If King Xuan comes back, but it's not me, what are you going to do?" Xuan Yu has also learned to ask such sour questions now, which makes An Luo feel a little headache.

She replied: "Then I will live with him normally, what's the relationship?"

Xuan Yu became angry when he heard it: "You are going too far!"

"What's too much? Do I belong to you alone?"

"Isn't it?" Xuan Yu looked at her, feeling aggrieved.

In fact, An Luo also thought that if King Xuan came back, she would tell him that she had moved on and was not worthy of being his wife anymore.

Fortunately, she didn't encounter such a dilemma, so she can't be so reckless next time.

An Luo told Xuan Yu what happened during this period again, and said to him: "Actually, I have been wronged a lot during this period, you have to think about how to compensate me."

"Okay, I'll give you back the 70 taels." Xuan Yu said with a smile, "Look at you being stingy, I remember that you are invincibly rich in Interstellar!"

"Then I feel bad too."

An Luo also asked Xuanyu about Jiuhua, and Xuanyu told her that he was dealing with a plague incident in a small town at the time. The family thought she was dying, so they threw her here.

Unexpectedly, her body recovered extremely fast, which was unbelievably fast, so Xuan Yu guessed that she might also be a time traveler, but he didn't tell her about it, and just regarded her as an ordinary disciple.

"So who is she?" Xuan Yu also felt unbelievable, "In terms of temperament, I feel familiar, but I can't remember it. I guess I have seen her and Mei Mei together before? Since the two of them are so destined, You must have known him before, right?"

Because the two of them couldn't figure out what was going on, they simply didn't bother to think about it.

Instead of thinking about these issues, it is better to think carefully about what happened to King Xuan.

(End of this chapter)

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