Chapter 362
It's late at night, it's time to rest.

An Luo said to Xuanyu King Xuan: "It's a great event for the prince to come back today, and the concubine is also very happy. It's getting late, so you should go to bed early!" After finishing speaking, he was about to leave.

King Xuan was stunned for a moment: "Where are you going?"

"I'll go back to my room to rest." An Luo didn't live in King Xuan's room during this time, but found another quiet and elegant courtyard to live in.

"Why?" King Xuan asked her.

"The matter of getting married is my own idea, and it is married to King Xuan's clothes, not to you, so in essence, I cannot be regarded as Princess Xuan." An Luo explained, and then left.

King Xuan understood her personality, and also knew that the two hadn't seen each other for a long time, and they were like strangers to each other. They really needed to cultivate their relationship, so they didn't say much.

Early the next morning, King Xuan woke up, but unexpectedly found that the system had transmitted King Xuan's past memories to him.

"By the way, why did you pass on the original owner's memory to you now?" An Luo asked incomprehension when he heard about this.

"The system said that it really forgot who my original owner is. Yesterday everyone said it was King Xuan, so it urgently retrieved the memory data of King Xuan and transmitted it to me." Xuanyu King Xuan explained.

This is really a super model of the online pit host of the sand sculpture system.

"However, I don't want to make this public for the time being." King Xuan said to An Luo, "Because I know who framed me, and this person has been by our side, I want to catch him quietly."

"who is it?"

"I'm not telling you, you are not the real Princess Xuan now, this matter has nothing to do with you, you don't need to worry about it." This guy clearly has a grudge against what happened yesterday.

An Luo hehe: "Who cares! Whatever you want!"

King Xuan naturally went to work on his affairs. After all, An Luo was still Princess Xuan in name, so he still had to deal with the family's accounts.

She has another important task, which is to match Jiuhua and King Pingyang.

Obviously, Jiuhua also has a good impression of King Pingyang, but she doesn't have much confidence. However, she has figured out one thing now. Since both the master and the master think it is feasible, she is willing.

Unexpectedly, this problem was solved so simply.

King Pingyang was so happy, he didn't even bother to participate in the finals of the beauty pageant, and went back to prepare for the wedding. In the end, An Luo and King Xuan came forward to host the finals.

Soon, it was time for the dinner held by the Holy Majesty. The courtiers and princes were all present. The Holy Majesty announced on the spot that King Xuan would be crowned. After all, he had made great contributions in the battle and suffered so much. He should be rewarded when he returns this time.

After a few glasses of wine, the Holy Majesty suddenly asked Prince Jing, "Prince Jing, have you ever heard of Cao Zhi's seven-step poem?"

Prince Jing was stunned: "Return to the Holy One, of course I have heard of it."

"Look carefully."

Prince Jing seemed a little nervous, he stuttered and read the poem, but beads of sweat appeared on his forehead.

King Pingyang watched from the side and asked, "Prince Jing, it's just a poem. Why are you sweating so much? It's not hot today!"

Prince Jing didn't dare to raise his head, His Majesty's expression changed, and he said to him, "I never thought that you would have such malicious intentions to frame your own brother."

With a wave of the Holy Majesty, someone brought witnesses and evidence.

King Jing finally broke down, and admitted in front of everyone that he had framed his younger brother King Xuan because he was jealous of his military exploits, causing him to fall off a cliff with injuries, and his whereabouts are unknown.

(End of this chapter)

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