Chapter 366
King Xuan also looked at them and said, "Very good! I am very satisfied. When will they enter the mansion?"

Princess Shun's happy expression was almost uncontrollable. She looked at An Luo quite proudly, but found that she didn't look disappointed at all, and even showed a mysterious aunt's smile, feeling a little creepy for a moment.

In fact, An Luo has been thinking about how lively the palace will be in the future, and has imagined several house fighting dramas and palace fighting dramas. Thinking about it, he couldn't help laughing.

Of course, she may not be the final winner of this house fight, An Luo is well aware of this, but she has nothing to lose because she has nothing to worry about.

"This concubine doesn't have to be too ostentatious, but my son Xuan Wang has a prominent status. This matter should be more lively, but it should not be too late. I still hope that I will have a golden grandson early, so let's make an appointment tomorrow!" Princess Shun said .

In fact, she must have been prepared a long time ago, she let her say everything, and An Luo was also convinced.

She said to Concubine Shun: "I will take full responsibility for the matter of taking a concubine, and it must be done in a good manner, with proper manners."

Princess Shun smiled and said, "So, very good!"

After An Luo came back, he organized his family to make preparations immediately, and first prepared three courtyards for the three concubines. After all, there were so many courtyards in this family, but most of them were unoccupied.

The rest is of course setting up the banquet scene and preparing dresses for the newcomers.

Fortunately, Princess Shun sent someone to say that the three girls had already prepared their own dresses, so there was no need to worry about this.

An Luo hurriedly gave orders to the servants at home, but Jiu Hua suddenly begged to see him.

"Master, what's going on? I heard that Master wants to take a concubine?" She didn't notice that King Xuan was reading a book and drinking tea, watching the commotion.

Before An Luo could answer, King Xuan asked her, "Jiu Hua, is it your turn to speak about Master's matter?"

Only then did Jiuhua see King Xuan, and hurriedly knelt down to salute, and after receiving the instruction to get up, she stood up and said solemnly: "Master, you let me down so much, I thought you were a gentleman! No Thinking about it is no different from the dudes in the capital."

"Jiuhua, are you being too bold?" King Xuan put down his book and asked her in surprise. He knew he would be scolded, but he didn't expect to be scolded by Jiuhua.

An Luo smiled and said, "Don't forget, she will be our aunt soon."

Jiuhua's face turned red: "Master, I will fight for you, but you still have the mood to make fun of me?"

An Luo said to her: "Think about everything better, the house will be lively in the future, and there will be no shortage of people playing mahjong. Isn't it a happy event?"

Jiuhua said angrily: "I, I don't care about you!"

It seems that King Pingyang is miserable, and it will be impossible to take concubines in the future.

After An Luo arranged all the affairs, he planned to go back to rest. At this time, King Xuan, who had been drinking tea beside him, asked her, "Is there nothing you want to tell me?"


"You really don't mind?"

"do not mind!"

King Xuan closed the book, came over and grabbed her wrist and said to her, "Can't you see that this is the scheme of Nine Tails to separate us?"

"Do you still need her to drive us apart? Isn't it more appropriate to describe the relationship between us as incongruity?" She knew that Nine Tails didn't like Xuan Yu, so it was not surprising to do such a thing.

King Xuan looked at her, turned and left, and came back an hour later.

(End of this chapter)

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