Chapter 367

At this time, it was getting late, and An Luo was already asleep, when he suddenly heard a maid's voice outside the door: "My lord, all blessings."

Could it be that King Xuan is back?But he never came to her.

Sure enough, King Xuan said: "You all step back!"


An Luo pretended to be asleep and didn't know it. He only sensed someone coming in. He closed the door, raised the curtain, and pushed her shoulder: "Don't pretend to be asleep."

"Who pretended to be asleep?" An Luo felt angry and funny, got up and asked him, "Where did the prince go just now? What's the matter for coming to see me so late?"

King Xuan said to her, "I'm here to inform you that tomorrow's concubine ceremony will not be held."


"Because..." He smiled, "I solved the root of the problem."

"What was the root of the problem and how was it resolved?"

He glanced outside and said, "I guess, you'll find out later."

Sure enough, within 2 minutes, there was a loud shout from outside: "The Queen Mother is dead!"

An Luo looked at him in surprise and said, "Did you kill the Queen Mother?"

Seeing An Luo's strong reaction, King Xuan frowned, and said coldly, "Do you want to go out and shout louder? Let the whole city hear it?"

An Luo felt a chill down his spine: "Why did you do this?"

King Xuan stared into her eyes, and said word by word: "Nine Tails, he has touched my bottom line."

"Then you can't kill him!"

He pinched her chin and asked with a half-smile, "Are you distressed?" Then in the dim candlelight, An Luo saw his aggressive eyes.

She really broke down, pushed him away, put on her clothes, ran out, and asked about the situation.

Early the next morning, An Luo went to the palace to help organize the funeral of the Empress Dowager and learned some information.

The Empress Dowager stopped breathing in her sleep, and she seemed to have died of a normal life, but she was a little younger, less than 50 years old.But at that time, it was not a surprise.

No one mentioned that King Xuan had gone to the Queen Mother yesterday, and that the palace gate had already been locked at that time, so it was impossible for King Xuan to enter.

If you look at it this way, the Queen Mother's death should not have anything to do with King Xuan.

But if this matter has nothing to do with King Xuan, wouldn't that be a coincidence?Now that the whole country is in mourning, the matter of taking concubines is naturally impossible.

If King Xuan really did it, how did he do it?
As a princess, An Luo needs to enter the palace to guard the queen mother's spirit for a period of time, and will not return to Prince Xuan's mansion until the wake is over.

She wanted to ask King Xuan in detail what happened, but King Xuan went out again at this time.

It seemed that he didn't want to explain at all.

Even so, the three girls selected by the queen mother were brought back to the mansion by An Luo, temporarily serving as maids, and told them that they could choose to stay, if they wanted to stay, she would give them back after the national mourning period passed. Find a good family; if you want to go home, you can go back now.

These girls were indeed homeless, so they stayed with An Luo for the time being.

As for the truth of the matter, An Luo can still ask Nine Tails. Now Nine Tails' memory in this world has been transmitted to the sealed place, so An Luo specifically asked him: "Why did the Queen Mother die suddenly?"

Kyuubi changed his previous enthusiasm, and seemed reluctant to mention this matter.

An Luo could only ask bluntly: "Did Xuan Yu kill you?"

(End of this chapter)

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