Chapter 368
An Luo wanted to know the truth, but King Xuan refused to tell her, and neither did Nine Tails.

"This matter is indeed related to him, but the specific situation is not that simple, please don't ask me any more?" When mentioning this matter, Kyuubi will appear a little impatient.

This matter is like Rashomon, always unable to find out the truth, which makes An Luo feel very awkward.

Until one day, King Pingyang came to An Luo to discuss his marriage with Jiu Hua, and said that King Xuan had been away for two years, so he complained to An Luo: "It's a pity, if you take a concubine, you should take a concubine. As for wasting a purple Chenxiu Luoshi? Now I'm trying my best to find it, and I really convinced him."

Under An Luo's questioning, King Pingyang told the truth.

That day, King Xuan did go to the Queen Mother, but he didn't really go to the palace to find him, but met Jiuwei at King Pingyang's house, borrowing the space of King Pingyang's Demon King.As for the intermediary, King Pingyang planned to coordinate the conflict between the two.

"What's the matter with this space you mentioned? Why don't I have one?" An Luo asked.

King Pingyang asked her back: "So you don't plan to know the truth anymore? You plan to discuss with me how to obtain the demon king's space?"

"Okay! Please continue."

The situation at that time was like this, Jiuwei blamed Xuan Yu for not being good enough to An Luo, which caused her to suffer a lot of mental torture.

"So you're going to make trouble, right? Let me take a concubine, will she be happy?"

Kyuubi said to him: "No, I guess, she should leave you, leave you, she will find her own happiness."

"Didn't you see it? She made up her mind to be Princess Xuan here. No matter what difficulties she encounters, no matter what tortures, she is willing to bear it. She simply treats these things as a practice, and she is even willing to do it." Ruoyi, I am touched." Xuan Yu said.

Kyuubi smiled helplessly: "The hero sees the same thing, so I added a little more difficulty to her life in the palace, which should be just what she wants, right?"

"I think you obviously want to make her disappointed in me even more?"

Kyuubi said to him provocatively: "That depends on how you treat these concubines, but don't underestimate the girls I brought out!"

"A gentleman doesn't stand under a dangerous wall, and I don't want the matter of the two of us to become a matter of five people, which will increase the pain for those girls. I came to you today to ask you, how can I take back your Order." Xuan Yu asked.

Jiuwei thought for a while, probably considering that this incident had indeed caused troubles for An Luo, and felt a little regretful, so he stepped down the donkey and said to Xuan Yu: "I heard that you found the Zichen Shura Stone, you If you give it to me, I will take it back and bring the three girls back."

Xuan Yu readily agreed: "No problem."

After finishing speaking, he gave the Zichen Shura Stone to Jiuwei, but he did some tricks to add a lot of aura to the Zichen Shura Stone. He knew that Jiuwei's mission in this world had been completed, and now he entered the aura collection Stage, as long as a certain amount of aura is collected, you will leave this world.So his original intention was to hope that she would leave early.

Unexpectedly, Kyuubi's aura was almost at the full level, and if he got this stone, he had to leave this world.

Therefore, in a sense, it was indeed King Xuan who killed the Queen Mother.The reason why Nine Tails was unwilling to talk about this matter was because he felt that he was being careless and was being plotted against; while King Xuan was angry and refused to talk about it because he was simply jealous.

(End of this chapter)

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