Chapter 369
Sure enough, they are all a bunch of strange guys.

An Luo returned to the sealed place and asked Nine Tails, only to find out that this was indeed the case.

"Qi Mei is really a gossip, talking about everything, really hateful." Kyuubi said very unhappy, "But your curiosity is strong enough, I didn't want you to know such a shameful thing."

"I don't feel ashamed!" An Luo expressed his incomprehension.

Kyuubi patted her on the head: "You, you are really not the empathetic type!"

The Zichen Shura Stone is very important to Xuanyu. He spent a whole year finding that one in the ancient tomb. Without it, he might not be able to complete the task this time. A lifetime of time wasted.

I really don't know why he would do such a stupid thing.

An Luo felt that she was also responsible for the whole incident. If she hadn't been so awkward all the time, Nine Tails wouldn't have made a plan to divorce, so Xuan Yu wouldn't have resorted to such a method of losing both sides to drive Nine Tails away. out of this world.

Three years passed in a blink of an eye, and the national funeral was over, but King Xuan never came back.An Luo intends to marry the three girls in the mansion, but they are unwilling, mainly because it is impossible to marry a nobleman, and it seems that they are too wronged to marry a commoner.I don't know if they want to wait here for King Xuan to come back.

An Luo didn't think of a good solution for a while.

It just so happened that Princess Tianshun complained to An Luo again, saying that she was not virtuous enough, which is why King Xuan refused to come back.

An Luo felt very angry when he thought about it.

So, she asked the three maids in the family if anyone was willing to be a concubine for Prince Shun.

She thought they would not agree, but she didn't expect them to be the first to express their willingness.

Maybe it's because you don't want to marry a commoner?
So, she found King Pingyang and asked him to tell the Holy Lord that now Prince Shun's mansion is withered, the eldest son has only one son, the second son has been demoted to a common man, and the third son has fought for the country and has no heirs so far. Now Prince Shun is only 50 At the age of [-], he was in his prime of life. If there were concubines in the family and heirs, it would be able to make the Shunwang family prosperous again.

The Holy Majesty and this uncle are about the same age, and they have always been good friends who have nothing to say, so after listening to King Pingyang's nonsensical words, they also felt that it made sense, and even when Jinkou opened his mouth, he gave the three girls a gift. It was given to King Shun.

Since then, An Luo is truly pure.

Concubine Shun is not in the mood to take care of her anymore, fighting wits and bravery with the three goblins every day is already beyond her will.

Lord Shun would not scold An Luo for her, because he also had no time.

In less than a year, Prince Shun's mansion had added two young princes and a small princess, and he was delighted that Prince Shun had long forgotten the matter of his son being demoted as a commoner.

An Luo couldn't help sighing, such a good method, why didn't he think of it earlier?If I had thought of it a long time ago, would I be able to live a good life for several years?

The marriage of Jiuhua and King Pingyang has already been completed, and the Holy Majesty presided over it himself.

So now, An Luo is still taking care of the housework alone.After the challenges of these worlds, she is quite familiar with doing business, so she has made a lot of money in the past few years.

Finally, three years later, King Xuan came back. He won several battles and found another Zichen Shura Stone.

(End of this chapter)

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