Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 375 Sister Daji Covers Me

Chapter 375 Sister Daji Covers Me (05)
After several rounds of fighting, Nezha realized that he was no match for her.This is really strange, the young lady in front of me was obviously beaten unconscious this morning by her own stroke of heaven and earth, the kind who has no power to fight back at all, why is this sword technique so aggressive now?

But this kid is really smart, he sold a flaw, and used the Qiankun Circle.

By the way, the treasures of Daoist Taiyi are really good, and An Luo also likes them, so I bought one in the system just now. At that time, I thought it was super expensive, but I didn't expect the price to be very fair.

Yes, as An Luo's system said, her system mall is fully open now, and there is a Fengshen mall, which contains all kinds of treasures, as long as you have money, you can buy them. You earn a lot of money, so you are fearless, and you can sell it if you don’t like it after you use it up!
Only a crisp collision sound was heard, and the two universe circles collided and flew back into the hands of their respective masters.

"Where did your Qiankun circle come from?" Nezha was about to cry angrily.

"It's just that you can have the universe circle, but sister can't?" An Luo laughed.

Nezha was even angrier, what was the Huntian Ling, and the fire pointed gun greeted again. An Luo knew that the child was most angry because his unique treasure was also owned by others, so he used the same magic weapon to fight back. Sure enough, Nezha collapsed and cried Ran.

An Luo felt that he could finally cultivate with peace of mind. This world is full of aura, and with the cultivation spells sold in Fengshen Mall, it is not difficult to become a human immortal.

However, outside the cave, there was another man's voice: "Is anyone there?"

An Luo came out and saw that it was Taiyi Daoist again, and immediately became angry, and asked, "Is the Daoist too much?"

"I didn't come here to trouble you, but I just wanted to inform you that Empress Shiji has been made into a prototype by me using the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Cover."


"I've said it's the number of days, but you still ask me why? She is on the list of gods, and she is destined to be the first one to worship the gods in this war of gods. Can't you see it?" Master Taiyi explained .

An Luo didn't know why he came to explain this to himself, and then asked him: "But people are practicing on their own, because they don't have a deep background like you, so they will be bullied by you?"

Daoist Taiyi frowned, and said angrily, "Are you stupid? Do you believe what others tell you? Open your eyes and take a good look. What is this place? Why is it called the Bone Cave!"

After he finished speaking, he used his magic power to smash the cave, and a bigger hole appeared inside, where there were piles of bones, including human beings and beasts, which were shocking.

Master Taiyi grabbed An Luo's arm and said to her: "Do you really think that cultivation is so easy? As long as you absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth here, you can live forever and ascend to immortality? Count it yourself, how much is this?" Bones!" After finishing speaking, he pushed her to the pile of bones.

An Luo was so angry that he couldn't breathe, and the real Taiyi continued: "If there is a previous crime, there will be a future calamity. Do you think that you saved Empress Shiji from this disaster, and you are doing her good? You are so wrong! This conferment of the gods is the only chance for her to wash away her sins and ascend to holiness. If the list of conferred gods is already full without her, she may never be able to have any more in the realm of the gods. Name!"

(End of this chapter)

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