Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 376 Sister Daji Covers Me

Chapter 376 Sister Daji Covers Me (06)
An Luo struggled to get out from the pile of bones, lowered his head and asked the real person Taiyi: "The real person came here today to tell me these things? You really value me too much."

"That's not true, the main reason is that Yuanshi Tianzun wants to see you!" After Taiyi Daoist finished speaking, he wanted to invite An Luo to step on Xiangyun.

An Luo was speechless: "So the real person came to arrest me, right? Well, I happen to also meet Lord Yuanshi Tianzun."

In Yuxu Palace of Kunlun Mountain, Yuanshi Tianzun is very amiable: "This girl is very talented, she is by no means an ordinary practitioner. I don't know who the girl is, can you tell me?"

An Luo had nothing to hide, so he told him about his practice of traveling through time and space. Yuanshi Tianzun nodded: "I see, I have also experienced this kind of practice mode, and I really miss that time! But, little girl, you are right next to me. I also want to practice, how about staying in Yuxu Palace and practicing?"

"This, isn't it suitable? How can I say now, I'm also a member of the Intercepting Teaching. When Caiyun Boy comes back to a certain level of cultivation, after all, he will be incompatible with you?" An Luo felt that it was inappropriate for him to stay here. .

Yuanshi Tianzun explained to her: "Girl, there are some things, you don't have to be too obsessed. You know, we explain that the two religions belong to the same family. You are as close as a disciple, you can try it, and maybe you will find that our way of teaching is more suitable for you."

An Luo had to admit that Yuanshi Tianzun was right. Compared with the bloody practice of cutting off teaching, explaining teaching was indeed more suitable for her.

Therefore, it is more appropriate to learn from Yuanshi Tianzun during this period of time.

As a result, An Luo suddenly became the youngest disciple of Yuanshi Tianzun.

Not to mention, the aura of Yuxu Palace is really stronger, other disciples may not feel it, but An Luo can feel it very clearly.Practice according to the method taught by Yuanshi Tianzun, and really soon entered the stage of refining and transforming Qi.The essence here is of course the meaning of spirit.

Not long after, Nezha returned the flesh to his mother and the bones to his father.An Luo knows that after this, his hostility will be much less, and he can even do a lot of good things for the people as a mountain god, and he will become more and more mature, and more and more like the little hero that later generations say.

On this day, An Luo was asking Yuanshi Tianzun about Taoism, when a young man walked in and saluted, "Greetings to Master."

"Get up! Yang Jian, come here, Caiyun just has a question, please answer it."

Only then did An Luo pay attention to the teenage boy in front of him.He has a handsome face and a tall and straight figure. On his forehead, a golden thread can be vaguely seen. It should be the legendary third eye, but it is usually not opened.

Yang Jian knew that An Luo was the new disciple of Yuanshi Tianzun, so after saluting lightly, he explained a paragraph to An Luo. Every time he resolved the crisis.

Not only is he extremely capable, but Yang Jian's emotional intelligence is also very high. Although she has heard about An Luo, she was really surprised when she saw it. He is really a gentle and modest gentleman who has nothing to complain about.

(End of this chapter)

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