Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 377 Sister Daji Covers Me

Chapter 377 Sister Daji Covers Me (07)
However, Yang Jian has nothing to complain about. It doesn't mean that there is nothing worthy of her complaints in the world of interpretation and education. One of the most unbearable things for her is why the three-year-old Huang Tianhua was arrested by Qingxu Daodezhen. , not even telling him the truth?Didn't even notify their parents?How is this different from child abduction?
She told Yuanshi Tianzun about this, and Yuanshi Tianzun asked her back, "How do you know that Huang Tianhua doesn't know the truth? Huang Feihu doesn't know about it?"

"I've read "Fengshen Yanyi"."

"The books written by later generations may not be true. Who can know the truth after the ancestors have passed away?" Yuanshi Tianzun said a mysterious sentence that An Luo could not understand.

An Luo felt confused: "So, does Tianhua know the truth?"

"I probably don't know, but if you want, you can tell Huang Feihu's family about this so that they won't worry." Yuanshi Tianzun said.

"Really? Can I tell?" An Luo said in surprise.

"What's wrong with this? By the way, you go to Chaoge to visit your senior brother Jiang Ziya and see if he needs help."

An Luo was ordered to go down the mountain, and thought about it on the way. Is he being expelled from Kunlun Mountain? It is estimated that Yuanshi Tianzun felt that she meddled too much.

But if you go to Chaoge, in addition to visiting these people, you can also visit Daji, the Nine Tails in this life.

An Luo first went to Prince Wucheng's mansion, claiming to be a practitioner, and wanted to see King Wucheng.

This King Wu Cheng still respects people who practice, but it is quite strange to see that An Luo is just a young girl.

Wucheng Wang Huang Feihu was tall and handsome, and he was an extremely upright person. It is really not to be underestimated that this Yin Shang has such a strong general.

When An Luo saw him, he said to him: "My name is Caiyun, and I am ordered by my teacher Yuanshi Tianzun to come and tell King Wucheng something."

"what's up?"

"Your eldest son Huang Tianhua is currently serving as a disciple of Qingxu Daodezhenjun in Ziyang Cave of Qingfeng Mountain. I hope you don't miss it."

As soon as An Luo's words fell, he heard a woman's voice: "Is it the news of my son Tianhua?"

I saw an extremely beautiful, thin woman came out in a hurry and asked: "Girl, are you telling the truth?"

"Yes, it's true."

That woman was Huang Feihu's wife, Jia Shi. She cried and said that because of Tianhua's disappearance during this period, the family's tears were almost shed. The sin is heavy.

However, An Luo still explained it, saying that this is a catastrophe, and it is necessary for practice, blah blah blah.

In fact, she also knew that Huang Feihu's family was in a lot of disasters, and almost all of them were wiped out. Fortunately, Huang Feihu, Jia's family, and the three sons were all famous people on the list of gods. .

In any case, it would be a good thing to let her know the whereabouts of the eldest son before Jia's death?

After leaving Prince Wucheng's mansion, An Luo went to the palace to ask to see Daji.

When she came to Daji this time, it was actually Kyuubi's request. What Kyuubi wanted was to tell Daji not to do so many stupid things.

(End of this chapter)

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