Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 378 Sister Daji Covers Me

Chapter 378 Sister Daji Covers Me (08)
When An Luo came to the palace, it happened that Yun Zhongzi hung up the mahogany sword, Daji fell ill, and Shang Wangdi Xin was at a loss.

Di Xin was very happy since there was a visit from a Taoist person, so he hurriedly sent someone to see if he could help Daji.

An Luo took a look and knew that Jiuwei fell ill because of the peach wood sword, but she knew that the peach wood sword couldn't hurt him at all, so why pretend to be sick?

Taking advantage of seeing Daji as a doctor and making everyone retreat, An Luo whispered in Daji's ear: "My good sister, I know you are pretending to be sick, why?"

The "weak" Daji said softly, "Who is your sister? How do you know I'm pretending to be sick?"

This timeline is slightly wrong, that Baosi is the first time-traveling character of Kyuubi, and this Daji is the second.At that time, Nine Tails was dedicated to completing the task of the Demon Concubine, so he worked very hard. Although he earned a lot of points in the end, he committed a lot of crimes.

This time, he hoped that An Luo would warn his former self that there was room for everything.

However, he also said that there are not many things that can be changed, the most is not to do the vicious things that hurt the people in the later period. As for the things about Pao Bao, the Queen, Shang Rong, and Bi Gan, he has to do it, otherwise he will not be able to shake the powerful Yin. Business, cannot shake its deep foundation.

An Luo quietly told Daji the ins and outs of the matter, and after Daji heard it, she also told the truth to An Luo: "I pretended to be sick to make Dixin anxious, and I was afraid of losing, so I would cherish me more in the future. It’s a feeling that he will never forget, and he will never forget.”

This is really a high rank, An Luo really wants to take a small notebook and write it down.

But the matter still needs to be resolved. An Luo came out and told Di Xin that the nobleman's illness was due to the evil spirit of the mahogany sword, and the mahogany sword must be destroyed.

So An Luo personally set up an array and cast spells to get rid of the mahogany sword.

Then, she suddenly felt: "Oh my god, am I not Shen Gongbao? I seem to have robbed others of Shen Gongbao's work. Or, there is no Shen Gongbao at all?"

Seeing Daji's physical condition gradually recovering, Di Xin was very happy.An Luo didn't know if there was Shen Gongbao, but in Di Xin's eyes, she was like a god with powerful magic power. He wanted to give her jewelry and invite her to dinner, so she was overwhelmed with joy.

Because Daji's body has not fully recovered, An Luo stayed by her side to take care of her, and Di Xin would not bother her during this period, so the two had enough time to discuss the follow-up matters.

Kyuubi Daji is also very troubled now.As Baosi before, it can be said that she was very successful and harmed the country and the people, but at that time Xia Guo was already on the verge of dying, and she did not make too much effort, but now Shang Guo, let alone a centipede is dead but not stiff , It can be said that she is full of energy, and there is no sense of decadence at all. If you want to complete Nuwa's mission, you must make a lot of effort and disintegrate all the pillars little by little.

"I have to do these things, but if you are willing to help, please help me create illusions!" Daji said to her, "Because I can't complete this huge project by myself."

"What phantom?"

"For example, if I want to punish those maids, I have to throw them into the basin, you know?"

(End of this chapter)

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