Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 381 Sister Daji Covers Me

Chapter 381 Sister Daji Covers Me (11)
Not long after she flew out with Daoist Taiyi, Daji chased after him, and she said to Daoist Taiyi: "My lord, everything is my idea, if it really affects your plan of conferring gods, then I will take that Penglai Just kill everyone on the island."

An Luo was particularly moved, Master Nine-Tails is really loyal, but if that's the case, wouldn't it be a waste of time to work?
Master Taiyi thought for a while, and said to Daji: "If you do this, wouldn't you be disappointing Caiyun's wishes? Don't worry, I will try my best to come up with a solution with Yuanshi Tianzun to get the best of both worlds."

Daji felt strange: "A real person would be so kind?"

"Pindao was originally a kind person, is it because of your villainous heart?" Master Taiyi said with a sneer.

The two looked at each other, their swords were on the verge of breaking out, it seemed that they were not very friendly, An Luo felt a little nervous beside him, so he said to Daji: "Sister Daji, don't worry about me, I'm fine, they can't do anything to me. "

"Okay! If I know that you forced Caiyun to do something, I will never let you go." Daji hurried back after finishing speaking.

Now is the critical period of Xiqi's plan to defeat Zhou, and Daji has to recommend some straw bags to Di Xin, so that he can send these people to resist the Western Zhou Dynasty.

"If you are worried about the Conferred God Plan, you should complete it yourself. Don't hate Daji while asking her to do these immoral things for you. You can't take advantage of everything!" This is what An Luo said to Yuanshi Tianzun, but not It's just that Daoist Taiyi, Daoist Yuding, Daoist Puxian and Yun Zhongzi were all present, and everyone was a little worried, feeling that the girl Caiyun was miserable.

Unexpectedly, at this time, Yang Jian stood up and said to Yuanshi Tianzun: "Master, this disciple thinks this matter is not that complicated."

"Oh? Tell me?" Yuanshi Tianzun felt as if he had met a savior, and now he lacked a suitable solution.

Yang Jian said: "So far, the people that Uncle Caiyun has saved are all mortals, and mortals have their fates. First seal their official positions, and wait for them to die and then go to the Heavenly Court to take office. After all, it is a day in the sky. One year on the ground is nothing more than asking the Jade Emperor to wait a few more days."

Sure enough, the Jade Emperor's pro-nephew is grand and well-organized, and this is the real way to turn big things into small things.

Finally, there is a satisfactory solution to this matter, and even Yuanshi Tianzun heaved a sigh of relief, otherwise he will punish An Luo severely, as if he is unfriendly to friends from the fairy world from other planes, no matter what, he will not be able to complete the conferment of gods The mission was really a dilemma before.

The situation in Penglai Xiandao has improved a lot since Boyi passed the test, and even Bigan was sent away later.Under the drastic management of the two, Penglai Xiandao has developed very well, transitioning from a primitive society to a high-level slave society in one fell swoop, with a clear division of labor, and everyone gets along very harmoniously.

It was not until the Western Zhou Dynasty destroyed the Shang Dynasty that Penglai Xiandao was notified to King Wu of Zhou, so that the residents on the island returned to the Zhou Kingdom.

It's a pity that Queen Jiang has always been weak, because she missed her homeland, so she passed away earlier; she was older than Qian, and she was not acclimatized here, so she died of illness within a few years; the wife of King Wu Cheng, Mrs. Jia, and her younger sister Huang shi committed suicide in grief and indignation after learning that the whole family had sacrificed, so she joined the God Realm not a few days later than other people.

These are also things to talk about. Now that An Luo has returned to Yuxu Palace, she has decided to practice hard. At least, she has completed the tasks that Nine Tails asked her to do, and now it is time to complete her own tasks.

(End of this chapter)

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