Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 382 Sister Daji Covers Me

Chapter 382 Sister Daji Covers Me (12)
Now Nezha has already become the incarnation of the lotus flower, and went down the mountain to help King Wu defeat Zhou.

All this excitement, An Luo just watched the live broadcast in Yuxu Cave. Of course, this is a kind of magic, which changes the pool water into a screen to see the battle situation at the destination.

Because she didn't need to participate in these things, An Luo concentrated on her cultivation. Now it has been more than ten years since she went up the mountain. She has already cultivated to the realm of refining emptiness and harmony, and she is only a little short of being able to become a celestial being.

Even Yuanshi Tianzun lamented that her practice speed is almost dozens of times faster than that of ordinary people, and she is really talented.

"If you want to cultivate and become an immortal, you can't stay in this cave all the time. You should actually fight." Yuanshi Tianzun said to An Luo, "Just, would you like to go down the mountain to help your senior brother Ziya defeat Zhou?"

"I don't want to! Master!"

Yuanshi Tianzun was choked to the point of being speechless, but after all he has cultivation, so he asked very politely: "Why?"

"Master, you see, my original owner was originally a member of the Jiejiao, and now going down the mountain is basically fighting with the members of the Jiejiao. Even if I don't want to help them, I really don't want to beat them. After all, there is still my original master Shi Ji The empress's friendship is there!" An Luo explained.

Yuanshi Tianzun thought for a while: "Forget it, but if you don't participate in the battle, you can always help, right? Taking care of the wounded, curing diseases and saving lives, should you still be able to do it?"

An Luo nodded: "Such a thing is possible."

After all, she has the Eight Treasures Glazed Vase and many other treasures in hand, so there is no problem in using them to heal people.

In fact, apart from Nine Tails, Snake King also practiced in this world, and like An Luo, he helped others practice.He had assisted Wen Zhong for several years, in fact, for several years when he was fighting abroad. That time was the most important stage of Wen Zhong's practice, so basically the battles were commanded and completed by the Snake King.After returning to Chaoge, the Snake King retired, and the rest of the stage was handed over to Wen Zhong himself who had already cultivated stronger.

Both the demon and the tree demon are in Xiqi, and they don't have names on the list of gods. They left this plane after completing their cultivation.

Therefore, she doesn't need to worry too much about these three demon kings, because they haven't done too many excessive things in this world.

After arriving in Xiqi and meeting Jiang Ziya, An Luo was assigned to the medical department to help the wounded soldiers.

In fact, An Luo basically doesn't know much about medical skills. Fortunately, there is a genius doctor in Xiqi. It is said that he once practiced with Empress Nuwa, and this time he came to help Xiqi. His name is Mo Rui, so Jiang Ziya asked An Luo first Learn from him.

This Mo Rui is actually a dryad in this world. An Luo was surprised when he saw him, and asked, "Master Dryad, I remember that you are under Nuwa's sect and did not participate in this battle."

Dryad Murray said to her: "I didn't want to come here at first, but I vaguely felt that I should use my ability to do some good things, so I just came here."

Now An Luo felt relieved, learning medical skills from the dryad would make progress faster.

On this day, Ji Dan, the fourth son of King Wen, who later became Duke Zhou, came to inspect the barracks. An Luo was bandaging a soldier's wound and didn't notice him.Knowing that the wound was treated well, An Luo packed up the medicines and sundries, raised his head, and only saw the fourth young master in front of him.

 It's Qixi Festival, so I decided to let the male lead out for a while!I wish you all a happy Tanabata!
(End of this chapter)

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