Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 383 Sister Daji Covers Me

Chapter 383 Sister Daji Covers Me (13)
Looking at the young man in front of her, An Luo recognized the existence of Xuan Yu. She didn't know what to say to him for a while, mainly because she didn't know him.

The air at this time was as tense as a string, and even those who didn't know it felt something was wrong.

Yang Jian, who was next to him, really had a high EQ, and immediately introduced: "Uncle Caiyun, this is King Wen's fourth son. Fourth son, this is my uncle Caiyun."

"Hello, sir." The fourth young master saluted.

"Hello, Fourth Young Master." An Luo replied.

At this time, Nezha rushed in with a bruised nose and swollen face, which shocked everyone, but he never suffered a disadvantage.

Today's Nezha is already a handsome teenager in his teens, and his personality is much better than when he was a child. He is loved by everyone, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he is a group favorite.

Because of his lotus incarnation, he was less restrained in the battle, and his own ability is super strong, and he has many magic weapons, so he rarely suffers. Today, he was beaten with a black nose and a swollen face. An Luo speculated that it should be Deng Chanyu who came.

Only Deng Chanyu's five light stone has such power.

Nezha angrily recounted the battle just now, saying that Deng Chanyu went too far and attacked unexpectedly, which made everyone laugh, and Nezha almost cried angrily.

Especially Huang Tianhua sneered at the side, saying that Nezha is not enough to see all directions and listen to all directions.

An Luo had already taken the medicine box and was applying medicine to Nezha. He sensed that Nezha was about to get up to fight Tianhua, so he hurriedly held him down and whispered in his ear: "Let him fight tomorrow, wait for him If you lose, wouldn’t you be happy if you laugh at him again?”

Nezha heard that it made sense, so he didn't have an attack. He just said, "Huh, if you have the ability, go and fight that woman for a round?"

Huang Tianhua snorted: "I'm still afraid that a mere woman will fail?"

In fact, since Nezha became the incarnation of the lotus, the relationship with An Luo has been much better. On the one hand, he has grown up a bit, and he also knows that he was young and reckless. On the other hand, Yang Jian mediated and helped An Luo talk He said a lot of good things, and even invited the two of them to eat roasted mushrooms. In addition, An Luo has helped everyone a lot recently, so he now regards An Luo as a close comrade in arms like Yang Jian and Tianhua.

After applying the medicine to Nezha, everyone left, saying that they were discussing countermeasures. Only the fourth son was left here, and even the attendants of the fourth son were dragged away by Yang Jian and Nezha.

It seems that they very much hope that Caiyun will get married as soon as possible!

"What's wrong with Fourth Young Master?" An Luo asked him.

"Here." He pointed to the position of the heart, "My heart hurts when I see you, and it hurts even more when I don't see you."

"Oh, maybe that's your conscience!"

"Don't make trouble!" The Fourth Young Master smiled, "Why don't you practice in Yuxu Palace, is it not beneficial to your practice here?"

An Luo was very surprised: "How do you know about my practice in Yuxu Palace?"

Xuan Yu explained that he has several missions in this world, and now it is the second mission to replace the weak Zhou Gongdan for 15 years and help him recuperate his body. year.

An Luo froze for a moment: "Which decade?"

"It's almost from when Nezha made trouble in the sea to when he arrested you back then."

An Luo said in his heart, no wonder his male god Taiyi Daoist was so unreasonable at that time, it turned out to be you!
"Otherwise, why do you think Master Taiyi has two Kowloon Divine Fire Covers? I bought the second one with krypton gold. Later, I spent a lot of effort to repair Taiyi's own Nine Dragons Divine Fire Cover."

 When I first thought about this story, the image of Taiyi Zhenren in my mind was the image in Ryu Fujisaki's "The Legend of the Immortal World", which is very beautiful.It's a pity that as soon as the magic pill Nezha appeared, my Taiyi turned into such an image, well, I want to cry but have no tears.

(End of this chapter)

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