Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 384 Sister Daji Covers Me

Chapter 384 Sister Daji Covers Me (14)
An Luo asked Xuanyu Fourth Young Master: "Why didn't I recognize you when you were the real Taiyi?"

"Because his immortal power is so strong that it can completely cover up my aura."

"Then why didn't you tell me then?"

"At the time... because you felt it was necessary, you didn't recognize me anyway, so you simply pretended you didn't know me."

An Luo could only say one thing silently, okay!She deeply felt that it was impossible for her and Emperor Xuanyu to be soulmates. After all, they couldn't talk together, and it seemed that they had a tacit understanding only when they were doing things together.

The fourth son Zhou Gongdan is the right-hand man of King Wu Jifa. Although he is still young, he handles most of Xiqi's internal affairs, so he is quite busy, and the battlefield affairs are all handled by Prime Minister Jiang. If he If you come here often, the Prime Minister will feel that you are not trusted, so he just stayed for a while, then left in a hurry: "Okay, I should go too, remember that cultivation is the most important thing, don't mind your own business."

An Luo asked him, "Don't you think you're just meddling now?"

"Your affairs, to me, are not idle business."

After the fourth son left, everyone speculated whether the fourth son was interested in Caiyun, and this matter was informed by the fourth son's attendants to Tai Si, the wife of King Wen and the mother of King Wu.The reason for this is because the other sons are all married, only the fourth son shirks his health and refuses to marry a wife.

Tai Si felt that it would be a good thing if the Fourth Young Master was interested in this girl from Yuxu Palace, but he didn't know what kind of person this girl was, so he summoned An Luo overnight, saying that he wanted to have a talk with her.

An Luo, who was discussing medical skills with Mo Rui, heard that Tai Si had summoned him, and thought that his wife was unwell, so he came to Tai Si's palace with a medicine box.

This An Luo has been following the Four Great Demon Kings since he was a child, so he always seems a bit demon in his life, and his words and deeds have won the Nine-Tails True Inheritance, so he doesn't look so upright, and Tai Si is an extremely orthodox woman, so seeing An Luo Luo is not very satisfied.

At this time, I have to praise the few children who are teaching, they are really good at seeing the essence through phenomena, so they get along with An Luo like brothers.An Luo felt that if there were still classmates at this time, he would probably say that he was a man*.

Especially Yang Jian, because of practicing 72 changes, sometimes he needs to change into a woman, or even Daji. Every time at this time, he will come to An Luo to give him advice. Now Yang Jian can change into a lifelike figure. It is estimated that Standing with the real Daji, An Luo couldn't even recognize her.

When An Luo saw Taisi, he saluted and said, "Madam summoned Caiyun, but do you want Caiyun to diagnose your pulse?"

"No, you sit down, I want to talk to you."

At that time, there were no chairs, so An Luo knelt on the ground, thinking about what the madam wanted from him.

"Fairy Caiyun, I heard that Dan'er is interested in you, is there such a thing?" Tai Si was really straightforward.

Only then did An Luo understand that Madam was worried about this matter, but the news spread too fast, right?It was really scary, so An Luo replied: "Ma'am, is there any misunderstanding? Today, the fourth son did chat with me alone for a while, but he didn't show any interest in me. He just asked about our medical department. In his daily work, he asked me about his physical condition incidentally."

Tai Si became nervous when she heard this, and hurriedly asked, "Is there any problem with Dan'er's physical condition?"

An Luo explained: "As far as I know, the fourth son should have suffered from a serious illness before, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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