Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 385 Sister Daji Covers Me

Chapter 385 Sister Daji Covers Me (15)
When Tai Si heard An Luo asked about Zhou Gongdan's previous illness, she became nervous and replied, "Yes, but that happened a year ago, and it seems to be back to normal now, doesn't it?"

"Madam is right, it's just that the fourth son is busy with work today and often feels tired, so he is worried about whether there is a problem, and he is afraid that other people will find out, so he quietly asked me to check his pulse." An Luo started talking nonsense again. model.

"What was the result?"

"The fourth son's current physical condition is not a problem, but the illness last year still consumed a lot of his soul, he should still pay attention to rest and take more care of him, everything will be fine."

Tai Si breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked her: "Then, in your opinion, is his physical condition suitable for marrying a wife?"

An Luo thought for a while, and felt that he could not lie, so he replied, "There is no problem."

Tai Si was overjoyed, but immediately restrained her smile, and tentatively asked An Luo: "What does Fairy Caiyun think of my Dan'er?"

"The fourth son is knowledgeable, benevolent and filial. He has been famous since he was young. He is a rare political, economic, literary and historical genius. The future is even more limitless. He will definitely become a sage." An Luo is a scholar. , I really wanted to recite the history books, but I was afraid of scaring the old lady, so I just summed it up briefly.

Hearing her comment, Tai Si realized that this girl did not have any personal feelings for the Fourth Young Master, so she was relieved and asked An Luo to go back, and ordered someone to give her a lot of rewards.

The next day, there was another battle. Huang Tianhua was also beaten by Deng Chanyu with a bruised nose and a swollen face. He came back crying, and was well teased by Nezha. Then, the two teenagers fought together, and finally was beaten by Jin Zha, Mu Zha and Yang Jian persuaded him to leave.

Originally, Yang Jian didn't want to show up, but now he had to make a move. His defensive ability was extremely strong, even if he was hit by the Wuguang Stone, he would be fine, and eventually he bit Deng Chanyu with the Roaring Dog.

After Yang Jian came back, An Luo asked him quietly: "Yang Jian, have you never had a heart of pity and sympathy? After all, Deng Chanyu belongs to her daughter's family, and you let the Roaring Dog bite her neck? With your ability, even if you capture her alive It's not too difficult, is it?"

"Uncle, is there a distinction between men and women on this battlefield? Besides, Nezha, Tianhua, who doesn't have a face like a peach blossom, if she knows how to pity the fragrance and cherish the jade, she won't hit them in the face with the five-light stone!" Yang Jian retorted.

Only then did An Luo understand that the reason why Yang Jian didn't use any moves to bite Deng Chanyu's neck specifically was to avenge Nezha and the others for being beaten. What a good brother!

I only feel sorry for Deng Chanyu, because of this injury, she asked Tu Xingsun to heal her injuries, and the fate of the two began. Hey, I don't know whether Deng Chanyu likes Tu Xingsun, whether she voluntarily or was forced to marry.

The ensuing battle was quite anxious. First, Tu Xingsun captured Nezha and tied Jiang Ziya, and then he wanted to assassinate King Wu. Fortunately, Jiang Ziya figured out this incident, and asked Yang Jian to create an illusion to pretend to be King Wu, and he She disguised herself as a concubine.

As the saying goes, one minute on stage, ten years off stage. During this time, Yang Jian often learned from An Luo how to successfully transform into a female image, and now he has learned something and learned something.

(End of this chapter)

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