Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 386 Sister Daji Covers Me

Chapter 386 Sister Daji Covers Me (16)
An Luo worked with Murray to dispense the medicine in the camp. She is still his assistant now, so she helps to grind, weigh and cook the medicine.

Although it is already late at night, both of them are practitioners, so it is common for them to stay up all night.

At this time, there was a very noisy sound outside.

"Did you catch Tu Xingsun?" An Luo stopped making medicine and wanted to watch the fun, but was stopped by Murray.

He said to An Luo impatiently: "You're a girl, why are you joining in the fun? Give me this honestly."

At this time, two small soldiers with head injuries ran in laughingly. An Luo asked them, "Why are you so happy when you are injured?"

"Fairy, you don't know, it's so funny! That Tu Xingsun was caught naked by our Master Yang, it's so funny."

"Then how did you two get hurt?" An Luo asked.

"We tried to squeeze to the front to watch the excitement, but we were bumped into."

An Luo was speechless, and bandaged the two small soldiers.It seems that Tu Xingsun is really unreasonable, no wonder Murray doesn't let her go out to watch the fun.

When he was concentrating on his work, the four young masters suddenly entered the camp, and seeing that only An Luo and Murui were there, they asked straight to the point: "An Luo, what the hell are you doing? Did you tell Tai Si that my physical condition is fine?" get married?"

"Yeah, you see that you are very angry now, is there any problem?" An Luo asked back.

"Tai Si has already helped me find a candidate for my wife. She said that the wedding will be held on the tenth day of the next month. Do you think this is very good?" the fourth son said angrily.

An Luo gave him a blank look: "It's nothing good or bad, what does this have to do with me?"

The fourth son knocked An Luo on the forehead and said to her: "Your behavior is too childish." Afterwards, he said to Mo Rui, "I have prepared wine and dishes in the palace, and I would like to invite you The fairy is talking about the old days."

Murray raised his head at this moment: "We have nothing to talk about."

"Then you must be interested in the "Heavenly Dao Secret Art" written by Hongjun Patriarch?" The Fourth Young Master asked him with a smile.

Mo Rui frowned, then smiled, stood up, and patted the fourth young master's shoulder: "Speaking of which, we have been friends since we were young, why have we become so unfamiliar now? Where are we drinking?"

So, the two left the camp together, chatting happily.

A few days later, there were rumors that Empress Nuwa came to visit the fourth son in person and said that he was suitable for a late marriage, and it was best to wait another three years. . .

An Luo also knew that if he only lived for the original owner for a few years, it would be absolutely unethical to marry the original owner rashly. Of course, if the original owner had passed away, that would be a different story.

So it's really unreasonable for her to do this. It stands to reason that everyone should help each other as time travelers.

However, his ability to solve problems is still okay.

Although the matter of the fourth son's wedding has been shelved, the marriage between Deng Chanyu and Tu Xingsun has been finalized.

This incident was full of twists and turns. First, San Yisheng, the doctor of Xiqi, went to propose marriage, and then Deng Jiugong said that Tai Gongwang must come to propose marriage in person, and then Tu Xingsun took advantage of the marriage proposal to plunder Deng Chanyu, and they got married that night.

Now that Deng Jiugong's team was defeated, Tu Xingsun was getting married, and everyone was drinking and celebrating. An Luo asked, "Since it's a marriage, why don't you see the bride, why don't you see Deng Jiugong? Why don't you wait until Deng Jiugong is recovered before holding the wedding?" What is the difference between you doing this and bullying an orphan girl by force?"

(End of this chapter)

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