Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 387 Sister Daji Covers Me

Chapter 387 Sister Daji Covers Me (17)
Everyone was silent after hearing An Luo's words, Taigong Wang's face darkened: "Caiyun, don't be so ignorant."

At this time Lei Zhenzi said: "I think what Uncle Caiyun said makes sense."

Huang Tianhua kicked Lei Zhenzi under the table.

Murray hurriedly said to everyone: "Caiyun may be a little drunk today, I'll take her back to rest first." After speaking, he dragged An Luo away from the celebration banquet.

An Luo asked him angrily: "I should have rescued Deng Chanyu a long time ago. The reason why I didn't do it was because I felt that what was written in the book might not be the same as the truth. But I didn't expect the truth to be so unbearable."

"Even if you save her, so what?" This was the voice of the Fourth Young Master. When did he come, and he was not seen at the banquet just now.

He walked up to An Luo and said to her, "If you save her, Yang Jian will pretend to be Deng Chanyu and be captured by Tu Xingsun. He will go to see Deng Jiugong with Tu Xingsun tomorrow morning. Think about it, all Everyone knows that Deng Chanyu is married to Tu Xingsun, so what if you rescued her?"

"But, why, why is Tu Xingsun? It doesn't matter that he is ugly, the main reason is that he behaves improperly!" An Luo still didn't understand.

"Because everyone else is devoted to Taoism and doesn't want to get married!" The fourth son explained, "As for the nobles of Xiqi, do you think they will marry a captured female prisoner of war? To put it bluntly, she has a relationship with a slave now." Is there a difference? I have to say that in this era, Xiqi’s team is already very kind, choosing a powerful son-in-law like Tu Xingsun for her. If this is the Trojan battlefield, let alone she is the daughter of a general, even She is a princess, and she cannot escape the fate of being carnivaled tonight."

An Luo slapped the Fourth Young Master on the cheek.

The air froze, and Mo Rui, who was watching the fun, was taken aback by the sudden change in the situation. Worried that An Luo would suffer, he pulled her over and asked, "What's the matter? The fourth son is right. According to it, it’s pretty good! Why are you beating someone all of a sudden?”

An Luo pushed Mo Rui away and went directly to Tu Xingsun's camp, where Deng Chanyu was being held at this time.

That Deng Chanyu was crying like pear blossoms and raining, and she was so pitiful, An Luo untied her from the fairy rope, and said to her: "You go!"

Deng Chanyu looked at her in surprise: "Who are you? Why did you save me?"

"I just think there are other possibilities in your life."

This Deng Chanyu thanked her and fled, An Luo returned to her camp, hiding her achievements and fame.

That night, Tu Xingsun discovered that Deng Chanyu had escaped, and urgently reported to Tai Gongwang.However, Taigong Wang said it was all right, and now he just waited for Deng Jiugong to send his daughter back in person.

Sure enough, the next morning, Deng Jiugong and Deng Chanyu came to surrender.

Nothing has changed.

Yang Jian came to An Luo himself and took her to see Tai Gong Wang, but there was no one else in the camp.Tai Gongwang asked her: "Caiyun, you took that Deng Chanyu away yesterday, right?"

An Luo asked: "How did senior brother know?"

"Then Deng Chanyu said it was a woman who rescued her. In my camp, if you talk about a woman, I'm afraid you are the only one who has the ability to untie the fairy rope." Tai Gongwang said, "But I have told Deng Chanyu to let her go." If you bring up this matter again, even if you see you, don't mention it, otherwise, the soldiers will probably have some objections to you."

An Luo asked, "Why did Deng Jiugong send her back?"

(End of this chapter)

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