Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 388 Sister Daji Covers Me

Chapter 388 Sister Daji Covers Me (18)
It was Yang Jian who gave the explanation.

Deng Jiugong actually had to send Deng Chanyu back.First of all, in terms of Xiqi, the news that Deng Chanyu and Tu Xingsun got married has already spread.

And not only Xiqi knew about this matter, even Chaoge knew about it.

Even if Deng Chanyu escaped, no one would believe her innocence.

In fact, her personal innocence is not very important. The important thing is that Chaoge already believes that their father and son are collaborating with the enemy. Capital punishment, because Di Xin no longer trusts them.

Therefore, in public and private, for Deng Jiugong, there is only a way out if he goes to Xiqi.

What's more, there is nothing worth nostalgic about Chaoge and Dixin.

"Since Tu Xingsun's surrender, we have already released the news that Tu Xingsun is about to marry Deng Chanyu. Regardless of whether Deng Chanyu really married Tu Xingsun, the ending will not change." Yang Jian explained.

Taigong wanted An Luo to think about his past, but there was no special punishment, even An Luo found it inconceivable.

Back at the camp, the fourth son was waiting for her.

An Luo sat down, drank a cup of tea, and asked him, "Are you here to see my joke?"

The fourth son did not answer, but asked her: "An Luo, what are you obsessed with? Could it be that you can only see this woman in your eyes, but not the hundreds of thousands of slave soldiers in the Shang Kingdom? With our strength , Isn’t it easy to kill them? Is it possible that only one woman’s life is life, and the lives of all of them are not? War is to seek the maximization of interests, and to obtain the best result with the smallest sacrifice. All These soldiers, all have mothers, possibly wives, daughters, don't they deserve sympathy because they don't have names in history?"

"But, I just think that you should at least respect Deng Chanyu."

"No, if her father and son are worthy of respect, they shouldn't help the tyrant, and shouldn't give Tu Xingsun a blank check. Everything happens for a reason, not to mention, as I said, this is already a very good result. With her career, status, and a husband who loves her, isn’t she a winner in life? You say we discriminate against women, after all, you discriminate against Tu Xingsun’s appearance?” the fourth son asked her.

"But his character..."

"An Luo, if you keep worrying about these issues, you will never be able to see further. Even Deng Chanyu must have accepted the arrangement of fate at this time and focused on more meaningful things, but what about you? ?what are you doing?"

An Luo didn't answer.

The fourth young master thought for a while, gently cupped An Luo's cheeks with both hands, looked into her eyes, and said to her gently: "You really have stayed in the greenhouse for too long, this cruel world is not suitable for you. Don't I'm afraid, when you return to our world, you can be the wife of Emperor Xuanyu with peace of mind. Whether it's wind or rain, swords, swords or shadows, I will cover everything for you. You just need to be responsible for being beautiful and beautiful. See any darkness in this world."

An Luo looked into his eyes, and that half-smile was clearly teasing her.She grabbed one of his hands and bit him hard, and in an instant, it was dripping with blood.

"Play this kind of joke with me again, I will bite you to death!"

(End of this chapter)

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