Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 389 Sister Daji Covers Me

Chapter 389 Sister Daji Covers Me (19)
The Fourth Young Master stood up and left while clutching his injured hand, but Mo Rui called back: "Si Young Master, you will get infected like this. Caiyun, disinfect and bandage the Fourth Young Master."

Murray is so principled, he doesn't care how tense the atmosphere is at this moment.

An Luo also felt that he had gone too far, and helped the Fourth Young Master bandage the wound.The fourth son looked at her and said, "Did I joke too much? I'm sorry."

Murray said coldly beside him, "I don't think you're joking."

An Luo couldn't help laughing, and the Fourth Young Master also smiled helplessly, and said goodbye and went back.

Two days later, when An Luo saw Deng Chanyu again, he realized that he was really superficial.

That Deng Chanyu was still valiant and heroic, without the slightest hint of sadness, she was invincible on the battlefield and made many military exploits.

An Luo felt that maybe he was indeed meddling too much, and almost forgot who he was.This practice has to continue. As a doctor, she is also an indispensable part of the team, and she can also take this opportunity to learn medical skills from the tree demon master Murui.

Ever since Wen Zhong was killed in Longling, this Yin merchant was basically at the end of his life, and the people he sent out always felt unreliable, so in the end they had to rely on the people under the Tongtian sect. , as if he had forgotten the entrustment of the leader of the Tongtian Church, he went down the mountain and beat up, and basically all of them were conferred gods.

On this day, An Luo and Lei Zhenzi went out to gather medicine together.Because of Yuanshi Tianzun's entrustment, Taigongwang took good care of An Luo, and knowing that she was originally a person who intercepted the teaching, he was also worried that she would be bewitched by the intercepting education, so he sent a third-generation disciple to go with An Luo every time. The matter of collecting herbs is not big, but it is not small.

Usually, anyone who is free will go with her. Lei Zhenzi is relatively young, so he has become the target of "bullying" by everyone. Anyway, collecting herbs is boring, so I simply pushed it to him.

But An Luo also likes this kid very much, because he has a good temper, not as irritable as Tianhua, and not as taciturn as Nezha, while Jin Zha, Mu Zha and Yang Jian are too mature and calm, so they are not so cute.

Only Lei Zhenzi, because he was really a teenager, was very innocent and simple.

When we first met, he always asked An Luo if he could give him some medicine to become more normal.

"It always seems very strange now." On that day, Lei Zhenzi looked at the water by the river and said, "Uncle, is there really no way?"

Because Lei Zhenzi ate two fairy apricots, he had blue skin, red hair, and overgrown teeth, which were real blue-faced fangs.

Such a good boy, why did he have to be transformed into this?Is it just to scare the enemy?Or is this the original appearance of Lei Zhenzi?Xian Xing just let him change back to his real body?
An Luo still doesn't know much about the immortal law system in this world. She doesn't know what the principle of this fairy apricot is, but she can find a way to meet Lei Zhenzi's request.

Her method is hypnosis and psychological suggestion, let Lei Zhenzi change his aesthetics, accept his current appearance, and think that this is the most handsome.

After all, you can't give him plastic surgery, can you?In fact, An Luo really had this idea before, but after asking Yang Jian to help him design the image with 72 transformations, he felt unpretentious.

So she spared no effort to brainwash Lei Zhenzi at that time, telling him that such a boy is the most majestic, handsome and invincible. Compared with those little boys, he has more characteristics.

(End of this chapter)

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