Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 390 Sister Daji Covers Me

Chapter 390 Sister Daji Covers Me (20)
This incident happened when An Luo had just descended the mountain. At that time, Daoist Taiyi had just broken through Wen Zhong's blood-transforming formation. Xiqi's side had a temporary respite, but soldiers and generals were injured. She asked to collect some herbs, but she didn't know that she had come near Sanxian Island.

At that time, she picked the herbal medicine, rested by the river with Lei Zhenzi, and gave Lei Zhenzi psychological treatment at the same time. Although she is only a second-hand sword and has no qualifications, it is more than enough to encourage this child.

After listening to her brainwashing in the past few days, Lei Zhenzi has become more confident, more heroic and imposing, but it may be that she is not professional enough. An Luo has said a lot to Lei Zhenzi, and even she herself thinks this image Also very handsome.

The only way to wake yourself up is to ask yourself: "If I could become like this, would I want to?"

Wake up instantly.

While the two were chatting, An Luo suddenly heard a woman's voice: "Who am I? Isn't this Caiyun, the traitor we intercepted? Caiyun, are you getting too close to the person who explained the teaching? "

An Luo followed the prestige, and suddenly saw Sanxiao rising from the clouds, that is, Yunxiao, Qiongxiao and Bixiao of Sanxian Island. They are also Zhao Gongming's junior sisters, and some people say they are sisters.

These three female fairies were quite beautiful, and they were clear-headed at the beginning, they didn't approve of Zhao Gongming going down the mountain to help Grand Master Wen, they only wanted to avoid this great event of conferring gods on the mountain.

In fact, An Luo has also figured it out a bit. To put it bluntly, there are 365 positions in this list of gods. First come, first served. If you miss it, you don’t have it. If you want to occupy a position in this way, then participate in this war and become a god after death. ; If you feel that your practice is good enough, even if you don't become a god, you can become a fairy, or even become a saint in the flesh, then don't join in the fun, or make sure you don't die.

Most of the people who stopped teaching to join in the fun were people who believed in their own strength, such as Zhao Gongming.

As for San Xiao, he really didn't want to participate at all, he just wanted to listen to the leader's words, stay at home and not go anywhere.

Today I just went out to gather herbs, but I saw that the fairy energy here is unusual, and when I came to see it, it turned out to be colorful clouds.

The three of them are also old acquaintances with Empress Shiji, so they can be regarded as the same family, so they know Caiyun, and they also know that Caiyun is a disciple of Yuanshi Tianzun, so when they see her, they are very angry.

However, An Luo always felt that they were forced to get involved in this war, so he felt pity for them and didn't care about their arrogance. Instead, he greeted politely and said: "Long time no see, three fairies. How have you always been?"

The little girl Bixiao let out a chuckle: "Caiyun, if I remember correctly, you should be the apprentice of Empress Shiji. Have you forgotten how your master died? You don't want to avenge your master, but choose to explain and teach You came so close? You even worshiped Yuanshi Tianzun as your teacher? You are simply too much, are you worthy of your master? I am really ashamed of you."

An Luo responded very politely: "Miss Bixiao, please be aware of this matter. I am a practitioner from another world. Caiyun was seriously injured at that time. I am only practicing for her for a while now. Everything is mine. The choice is not Caiyun's fault, in the future when I help Caiyun succeed in cultivation, she will naturally come back, and whether she will take revenge or not depends on her own choice."

"Nonsense, I believe you are a ghost." Bi Xiao got a little angry, picked up the sword in his hand and wanted to stab An Luo.

(End of this chapter)

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