Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 391 Sister Daji Covers Me

Chapter 391 Sister Daji Covers Me (21)
The second sister, Qiong Xiao, stopped her and said to her: "I think what she said may be true, otherwise, with Caiyun's aptitude, can he really worship Yuanshi Tianzun as his teacher?"

"What kind of qualifications do you have? It's just being a little pharmacist in Xiqi. What's your ability? In that case, it's better to kill her. If she cultivates into a real fruit, won't it be more troublesome in the future?" Bi Xiao refused to let go, it seems He hated Caiyun deeply.

Yun Xiao said to his sister, "No, she is Shi Ji's apprentice after all."

"What apprentice? It's nothing more than a slave guarding the gate." As the younger sister Bi Xiao said, she had already sacrificed the extremely powerful magic weapon, the golden dragon scissors. As the saying goes, there is no such thing as a sledgehammer to kill a chicken, and this Bi Xiao has too much temper. As for having such a big hatred with himself?Besides, doesn't she have a more common magic weapon?
Even Yunxiao and Qiongxiao didn't think of this operation, and hurriedly said to Bixiao: "Young girl, maybe she is really Caiyun, not to mention, we don't have that deep friendship with Shiji."

Seeing this, Lei Zhenzi stopped in front of An Luo, and said to her, "Master, hurry up, I'm here!"

An Luo was startled, how could Lei Zhenzi be in danger, he was no match for Jin Jiaojian, not to mention him, even his master.So she pulled Lei Zhenzi back, and at the same time took out the Hunyuan Jindou, and took the golden scissors away.

When Bi Xiao saw this Hunyuan Jindou, he was stunned for a moment. Yunxiao and Bixiao hurriedly checked, but found that their Hunyuan Jindou was still there. You must know that this is their treasure of the island, which can absorb other people's money. Various magic weapons, and later they used the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation to cooperate with the Hunyuan Golden Dou, and almost wiped out all the twelve golden immortals. Fortunately, the Taishang Laojun took back the Hunyuan Jindou and sent it to Yuxu Palace.

In fact, An Luo is also distressed. This thing is expensive. I hope that the one I bought can be sold at a good price in the future, as long as I don’t lose money!
"Why do you have Hunyuan Jindou?" Yun Xiao asked.

In fact, An Luo felt that the Hunyuan Jindou in the system was clearly the original one, but it wasn't at the same time, but it was really miraculous that it could exist at the same time.Of course, she didn't want to explain about her krypton gold, but she didn't want to continue to entangle with them.

An Luo said to them: "Don't think that such a powerful magic weapon is only available to you. And don't deceive others too much. In terms of strength, you are not my opponent. If you still have a little compassion for your fellow disciple, don't hurt her." If you don't want to, I have the obligation to protect this body, so don't blame my subordinates for being merciless. I just never thought that you would use such a large weapon as the golden dragon scissors. Now, I will finally give you A chance, go now or die now!"

Now that the golden jiao scissors are lost, Sanxiao is in a panic, and wants to fight An Luo to the death, but knows that he is not the opponent of Hunyuan Jindou, not to mention the power of the girl in front of him, which seems to be different from ordinary cultivators, even a little The unfathomable feeling is probably crushing during this battle.

So Yunxiao winked at the two younger sisters, and said to An Luo: "It seems that you are really not Caiyun, so we were abrupt, and I just hope that you can return the golden dragon cut to us, after all, it was given to us by Master. Yes, a very commemorative treasure."

An Luo didn't hesitate too much. She was told by the system not to change history too much and not to participate too much in the matter of conferring gods, so she said: "Since you said so, well, I will return it to you. It's just that I advise you to live in Sanxian Island and practice cultivation, and don't help the evildoers."

(End of this chapter)

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