Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 392 Sister Daji Covers Me

Chapter 392 Sister Daji Covers Me (22)
An Luo felt that she and San Xiao had no enmity, so there was no need to rob others of their treasures, so she cut the golden dragon to them.

Yun Xiao expressed his thanks, but Bi Xiao took out a Biyun crossbow and shot an arrow at An Luo.

An Luo dodged, but Lei Zhenzi didn't know that An Luo could dodge, so he rushed over to try to push An Luo away, but was unfortunately shot by an arrow.

Yunxiao and Qiongxiao were also pale. They didn't want to fight against Xiqi at first, but they just couldn't understand Caiyun's behavior. They happened to meet today and wanted to ask for an explanation for Empress Shiji.

But this Bi Xiao was too much.

The three of them left in a hurry, leaving An Luo and Lei Zhenzi alone.

Fortunately, An Luo had learned a lot about trauma treatment during this time, and Lei Zhenzi's injury wasn't critical, so it didn't look like a serious problem.She just regretted that she should have shown her strength earlier, so that Lei Zhenzi would not still want to save her at such a moment.

If she was Nezha, Lei Zhenzi wouldn't be worried at all.Of course, if it was Nezha who was traveling with him, he would not even think about saving her, because Nezha still remembered being beaten by her when he was a child.

In any case, An Luo felt very guilty. You must know that this child rarely suffers. What's more, he is the youngest son of King Wen. They all like this younger brother, and they will probably be scolded when they go back now.

Sure enough, Tai Gongwang first blamed An Luo and shouldn't provoke San Xiao, after all, they are respected enough in the fairy world.

An Luo felt aggrieved: "They obviously provoked me first."

What was even more frightening was that the arrow was actually poisonous, causing Lei Zhenzi to lose all his mana, and turned into an ordinary boy.

This is incredible, although the current appearance is very handsome and seductive, but he is really an ordinary boy!

Lei Zhenzi was very happy because of the change in appearance, but when he found that he lost his mana at the same time, he started to cry.

Wu Wang Jifa came to see him, and comforted him, saying: "Don't be afraid, brother, I will give you a fief in the future, let you become the king of a place, and you will be happy for a lifetime, don't worry too much."

After hearing this, Lei Zhenzi cried even harder. He said that his dream is to practice and become as powerful as Yuanshi Tianzun.

"If I can recover my mana, I don't care if it's even uglier, let alone my original appearance," Lei Zhenzi said.

An Luo told him: "Actually, appearance is just skin, what matters is your heart and strength. Even if you don't have mana, as long as your heart is strong enough, you will definitely be able to become a great person."

"However, I still like to fight with everyone."

An Luo patted him on the shoulder and said to him: "I'll go find a way for you, even if you go to the ends of the earth, I'll help you find two fairy apricots back."

Murui, Yang Jian, Master Yuding, Yun Zhongzi, and Master Taiyi discussed this matter together.

Master Taiyi asked: "Could it be that you didn't transform him into that?"

Yun Zhongzi replied: "No, I really didn't let him eat that fairy apricot. I didn't even know there was such a thing in the back mountain."

Real person Yuding explained: "It seems that this fairy apricot is a divine object between heaven and earth, one of the innate treasures, not a treasure made by immortals."

Murray said: "I guess this fairy apricot has no special function, it just makes Lei Zhenzi change back to his real appearance."

(End of this chapter)

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