Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 394 Sister Daji Covers Me

Chapter 394 Sister Daji Covers Me (24)
Out of respect and sympathy for San Xiao, An Luo didn't want to break faces with them, so he explained Lei Zhenzi's matter as humbly as possible, and said cautiously: "This matter is all my fault, and that child It doesn't matter. If you sisters are dissatisfied with me, you can come to me, but I hope you can give me the antidote."

Bi Xiao, the youngest among the three Xiaos, has always been a little impulsive, and the poisonous arrow originally came from her.An Luo hates this kind of sniper, but he doesn't want to comment too much on her.In the meantime, Bi Xiao made a pretty face, and sneered: "That Lei Zhenzi also killed us and taught many people, just let him change back to his original state. Speaking of which, he should thank us? Are we going to tell him the poison? , Let him return to a strong mode to hurt us? This is simply too ridiculous."

Hearing what she said, An Luo couldn't help becoming anxious and angry. Fortunately, after so many years of practice, she was able to restrain herself, and kept a polite smile on her face, and said calmly: "This Explaining that the two sects are originally a family, why should they be separated from each other? If we say that this battle is originally their own master, not against one side, we have no enmity when we leave the battlefield. The three sisters did not join the battle. He must have thought so."

Hearing what An Luo said, and seeing that she didn't look domineering, Yun Xiao felt a little bit sorry, so he smoothed things over: "We were indeed reckless in what happened that day, and we didn't want to hurt innocent people at first. Yes. It’s just that we didn’t expect the medicine to have such an effect. It was originally a deadly poison. As for the antidote, we have it, but in the past, we used it immediately after the other party was poisoned. I don’t know. After such a long time, can it still work?"

Hearing what she said, An Luo understood a little bit.In this way, Lei Zhenzi's change was not because he was poisoned by the detoxification method of Xianxing, but because his life was threatened after being poisoned. It was the magic power of Xianxing that saved him, and thus eliminated his spell.

She still thanked Yun Xiao for her kindness: "Thank you Xiangu for your help."

Bi Xiao and Qiong Xiao objected: "Sister, why bother to be such a good person!"

But Zhao Gongming said from the side: "This is to be forgiving and forgiving. Because Caiyun was a member of our Interceptor, he never participated in any battles, so he has a heart."

"Hmph!" Bi Xiao was still relentless, "She's just a little fairy boy, she's nothing more than a reminder, what's her ability, isn't it courting death to participate in a battle? Brother, do you really think she is kind?"

An Luo feels that her patience has a limit, but it may be more important to get the antidote quickly now, after all, the sea and the sky are brighter, not to mention that she is in a hurry to help Lei Zhenzi, so she decided to flatter: "There is indeed something wrong with Caiyun. Here, what the fairy aunt taught me is. It’s just that the three fairy aunts are very powerful and beautiful, so they probably won’t have trouble with an unknown pawn like me.”

"Forget it, I think you are sincerely asking for medicine for Lei Zhenzi, so I will give it to you!" After Yunxiao finished speaking, he took out a small bottle and handed it to An Luo.

Unexpectedly, Bi Xiao took the first step, took the bottle, and threw it on the ground angrily. The inside was not a pill, but a potion, so for a while, there was nothing, and she said angrily: "There is only one bottle of this medicine now. Take it away, no way.

An Luo was really angry, he gritted his teeth and said to Bi Xiao: "It seems that I won't show you something, you really don't know that Lord Ma has three eyes!"

(End of this chapter)

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