Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 395 Sister Daji Covers Me

Chapter 395 Sister Daji Covers Me (25)
An Luo had had enough of this Bi Xiao, she took out the Hunyuan Jindou that she had obtained from krypton gold, and sacrificed it.

In an instant, thunder and lightning flashed, and San Xiao and Zhao Gongming's faces turned livid under the golden light of the magic weapon and the howling cold wind.Qiong Xiao excitedly asked Yun Xiao: "Sister, why is this Hunyuan Jindou at her place?"

"No, it's clearly with me." But before Yun Xiao offered her own Hunyuan Jindou, Bi Xiao had already been included in the fight.

An Luo took Hunyuan Jindou back and said to the three of them, "As long as you hand over the antidote and restore Lei Zhenzi to its original state, I'll release Bi Xiao." , Said to San Xiao, "I think you are more aware of the power of this magic weapon. It is up to you to decide whether to save her or not."

Yun Xiao was helpless, and decided to follow An Luo back to Xiqi, and personally administered the antidote to Lei Zhenzi.

Not long after, Lei Zhenzi regained his domineering appearance like Lei Gong before, and all his mana returned.

Only then was An Luo relieved, released Bi Xiao from the Hunyuan Jindou, and said to Yun Xiao, "Thank you Xiangu for your help."

That Bi Xiao hated her so much, but there was nothing she could do about it. After all, this was in the realm of Xiqi, and she was just an An Luo. Even if she was invincible, how could she take advantage of so many powerful people present?
However, this incident accelerated Zhao Gongming and Sanxiao's plan to attack Xiqi.San Xiao originally did not agree to lend the golden jiao scissors to Zhao Gongming, but after such an incident, he also lent it to him, but instead let Zhao Gongming fly to the Conferred God Stage with a touch of his soul.

Sanxiao's new and old grudges came together, and they used the Hunyuan Jindou to sway the Yellow River formation, almost hurting the Twelve Golden Immortals. In the end, it was Yuanshi Tianzun who came forward to settle the matter.

An Luo originally thought that she would be punished. After all, she caused trouble. In the end, no one criticized her. On the contrary, everyone was not surprised that Zhao Gongming and San Xiaohun returned to Fengshentai. Doomed?

Now, seeing that Xiqi's army is going to Chaoge in a big way, An Luo decides to collect more medicines to help the soldiers on the battlefield.

The battle in this era of cold weapons is more tragic than imagined. In addition to losing too much blood, the injured people die on the spot, and infection is the important factor of death, and it is even more painful.

Of course, there are some herbal medicines that can be used to control infection, but they are often slower to take effect, and are still slightly inferior to penicillin.

The dryad Mo Rui is particularly keen on extracting these herbs with the method of Western medicine, and even secretly produces drugs such as penicillin and aspirin. Ro did it.

So before the Xiqi army set off, An Luo's task of collecting herbs was particularly heavy.

"Uncle, why can't we use all the immortal methods?" Lei Zhenzi asked in confusion.

An Luo replied, "Didn't you find out that this fairy method is not omnipotent? And in many cases, there are more tricks to deceive the eye, and even if it is alchemy or the like, you need to actually collect herbs or heavy metals. What's more The bodies of ordinary people may not be able to withstand this kind of fairy medicine from the fairy world, so it is troublesome for me to make these herbs, but it is also very important."

Lei Zhenzi nodded half-understood, and began to collect herbs earnestly as required.After the last incident, he was particularly satisfied with his appearance, but at the same time he began to practice hard, because he had already begun to feel that the two fairy apricots he ate were unreliable. If he wanted to become strong, he could not rely on external forces , or you should rely on yourself.

(End of this chapter)

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