Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 396 Sister Daji Covers Me

Chapter 396 Sister Daji Covers Me (26)
Everything is ready on Xiqi's side, and finally decided to set off for Chaoge.

Jiang Ziya first submitted the list of teachers. After all, one must be famous to be a teacher. He wanted to let the whole world know that King Zhou was innocent.

After King Wu approved it, Jintai worshiped the general and ordered Jiang Ziya to be the marshal to lead the army.

Everything is fine about the general worship, the only thing that breaks An Luo's heart is when these children go to see the master and ask about good or bad luck, whether it is Yang Jian, Nezha, Jin Zha, Mu Zha, or Lei Zhenzi, They all got a very good prophecy from Master, poor Huang Tianhua, it seems that he is doomed, and he will definitely die in this journey.

An Luo likes this slightly reckless young man very much, after all, he watched him grow up. When she first went to Kunlun Mountain, Tianhua was only four or five years old, so he was very attractive.

She hoped that she could save him, but she also knew that after this catastrophe, Tianhua would become No.1 in the list of gods and the strongest among the gods who were awarded this time, so she couldn't do this.

Although it was sad, she had to accept it. This was the most embarrassing and sad thing in the entire Conferred God World.

Before leaving, King Wu Jifa held a grand banquet for the soldiers.

An Luo is Tai Gongwang's junior sister, but her position is really too low. She is only the assistant of the doctor Murray, so in terms of position, she is relatively behind. Together with Murray, she is located behind the other forerunners.

Dryad Maury is a socially handicapped person. . .To be precise, it is a demon, who especially likes to do things secretly, and putting him on the cusp of the storm will make him feel very uncomfortable, so he has always been neither fighting nor grabbing, just doing things silently.

Of course, if anyone dared to hurt him, he would take revenge on the whole world without saying a word.In the last few worlds, he has become much more normal. He will not take revenge on the whole world, but it is bound to destroy this person's whole world.An Luo didn't know how to do it, and he didn't want to know at all. He just comforted him at the right time and encouraged him to do more psychological counseling for himself.

Although the two of them are relatively low-key, such a position arrangement still makes everyone a little embarrassed.After all, Yang Jian, Nezha, Huang Tianhua, and Lei Zhenzi still call An Luo his uncle, not to mention that Murui is Nuwa's disciple, and he is one level higher in terms of seniority.

Lei Zhenzi is the most honest, he insists on letting An Luo take the seat, and wants to change with her.An Luo said to him: "This banquet is for the soldiers. It doesn't matter who sits in which position. The important thing is that everyone set off happily. He will return victorious. Don't care about these small things. You Also go back and sit down, your Brother Wu Wang is going to speak."

Unexpectedly, Duke Zhou Jidan suddenly stood up and said, "Dr. Mo Rui and Caiyun have worked hard for the safety of our soldiers in Xiqi during this period, and we will rely on their medical skills in the future. Come, please do your best." The seat is."

So, someone invited the two of them to sit before the group of young generals, on an equal footing with the Twelve Immortals.

An Luo looked at Duke Zhou Jidan helplessly, thinking that he was meddling in other people's business, but it would be good if the words came out of his mouth, at least it would make people respect the doctor a bit.

Murray also nodded, and whispered to An Luo, "This guy Xuanyu seems to be more intelligent recently, but he always felt that he was confused a while ago."

"Maybe the original owner Zhou Gongdan has a better background?" An Luo said hehe.

"Makes sense!"

(End of this chapter)

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