Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 397 Sister Daji Covers Me

Chapter 397 Sister Daji Covers Me (27)
All the princes of King Wen will follow Jiang Ziya this time, in order to support King Wu's great cause, and Zhou Gongdan is no exception.

Along the way, there were so many obstacles encountered, Jiejiao's side was so jealous that they insisted on killing Xiqi's side, and they simply didn't know what they were obsessed with.

Tianhua died in Jinji Ridge.Not long after, the Immortal Execution Formation and the Ten Thousand Immortal Formation nearly annihilated the entire army of the Twelve Golden Immortals. Even so, their practice was greatly reduced, causing them to continue to practice and even seek Buddhism.

As a result, An Luo's work is extremely busy. It can be said that as a doctor accompanying the army, she already has quite a lot of experience.

It's just that seeing too many soldiers injured on the battlefield, An Luo sometimes felt that he couldn't bear it, so he inevitably felt a little irritable.

On the contrary, Mo Rui, a dryad with a super low EQ, sees the pain of all others lightly and has less empathy, so he can carry out his work smoothly without affecting his mood at all.

This is actually something that An Luo admires very much.

On this day, in the middle of the night, An Luo settled down the last wounded soldier of the day, calmed down the screaming him a little bit, let him take the medicine, and sleep peacefully, everything will be discussed tomorrow.

At this time, she was exhausted, but she couldn't fall asleep for a long time. It seemed that she was always thinking about some things she had experienced during the day, so she left the camp and went out to get some air.

"Hey, what's wrong with you? They treat you badly?" A gentle female voice came over.

An Luo followed the prestige and almost cried. This turned out to be Daji. She felt that she might be hallucinating, so she rubbed her eyes to make sure that it was Daji.At this time, she suddenly wondered if this could be Yang Jian, so she asked him: "Could you be Yang Jian?"

"Why, has Yang Jian imitated me to this extent?" Daji asked curiously with a smile and blinked eyes.

"Well, it can be said to be lifelike." An Luo explained.

Daji nodded, quite relieved: "Since this is the case, I can let him take over from me occasionally. I can also have some spare time to help you in the battle here!"

An Luo was amused by her, and then remembered to ask her: "Then, why did you come here? Could it be that you are looking for news?"

"Hey, what news do you want to inquire about? Now Cheng Tang is exhausted and unable to recover. So I am in a good mood, but there is no suitable person to share my joy with, so I tried to come to you, but I didn't expect it to be true. I met you." Kyuubi Daji said very happily, "This time, I actually didn't do too many bad things. Most of them were illusions and blindfolds, such as the incident of pregnant women and the elderly. What I want to say is ,Thanks for reminding me."

"It's nothing, I'm also entrusted by your future self!"

While the two were chatting, a figure suddenly appeared, and before seeing him, he heard his voice first. It was the voice of Duke Zhou Jidan: "An Luo, you are meeting Jiuwei privately so late, don't you worry about being discovered? Do you think you are a spy?"

"What secret work? I'm still an assassin!" Nine-tailed Daji heard Zhougong Jidan's voice, and became furious, "I'll stab you first today!"

Zhou Gongdan sneered: "You also need this ability!"

An Luo didn't want them to fight, it was late at night, it was no joke to wake everyone up.

(End of this chapter)

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