Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 398 Sister Daji Covers Me

Chapter 398 Sister Daji Covers Me (28)
An Luo sternly ordered Jiuwei Daji and Xuanyu Zhou Gongdan: "You two, be quiet and don't cause trouble for everyone."

Both of them looked at An Luo in surprise.

Jiuwei thought to himself, this An Luo has always been like a little girl, humble and cautious, but now he is quite domineering, it seems that he has really grown up.But growing up means going through too many hardships, right?Oops, distressed.

Xuan Yu cleared his throat, and said to Nine Tails: "For An Luo's sake, I won't argue with you today, you should hurry back!"

Nine Tails chuckled: "You are so cheap and good-looking. I won't argue with you here. This will make An Luo difficult. When my time-traveling mission is completed, you will know that you are not the only one in the fairy world." Sovereign."

"No problem, I look forward to your return." Xuan Yu responded.

Kyuubi gave him a blank look, then glanced at Xiqi's camp, turned around and took An Luo's hand and said, "Take care of yourself, we may see you again in a long time."

"Why? Shouldn't it be said at this time, see you in the next world?" An Luo asked incomprehensibly.

"All my missions are coming to an end, firstly; secondly, I may not get so many sentences, I am afraid, I will also disappear from the sealed place you mentioned. But don't worry, we will always We met." After Nine Tails finished speaking, he pinched An Luo's cheek, and then, a gust of wind blew by, and he disappeared without a trace.

An Luo was thinking about Jiuwei's words just now, completely oblivious to the angry Fourth Young Master Zhou Gongdan next to her. When she came back to her senses, the Fourth Young Master was looking at her angrily.

"Why are you so angry? Who messed with you?" An Luo asked.

He pressed the center of his brows, sighed softly, and said helplessly to An Luo: "It's Jiuwei, I won't let him go. Besides, can you take my feelings into consideration once in a while? Like other men It's really hard for me to get close."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and returned to his camp, leaving An Luo in a mess in the wind. He didn't understand what kind of existence Nine Tails was in his eyes. In An Luo's view, he was obviously a young lady.

What's more, why should I care about his feelings? He doesn't seem to have anything to do with me, does he?At least not now.

An Luo looked at the beautiful moon and wanted to blow the wind quietly for a while, but suddenly there was another noise in the bushes in front of her. She asked, "Who is it?"

A little hedgehog came out slowly. An Luo was breathing a sigh of relief, but found that the hedgehog had changed into a human form: "Master, your life is really colorful!"

This hedgehog was actually transformed by Yang Jian.

An Luo didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and asked Yang Jian, "You're fine, why are you turning into a hedgehog when you're fine?"

Yang Jian smiled: "I just want to experience the feeling of thorns all over my body. Everyone says I am too gentle."

An Luo said awkwardly: "This joke seems a bit cold!"

"Master Uncle likes it!" Yang Jian said slightly apologetically, "I didn't eavesdrop on purpose. I turned into a hedgehog to sleep, but suddenly I heard Master Uncle say my name. After listening carefully, I realized that it was Daji himself. It's here. But I didn't expect that there are so many complicated relationships between you. What is the original world of the uncle?"

An Luo recalled it carefully, and told Yang Jian: "I actually don't know, because I have always been a sealing stone, maybe in the future I will be able to live like other people in my own world?"

(End of this chapter)

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