Quick wear goddess super invincible

Chapter 399 Sister Daji Covers Me

Chapter 399 Sister Daji Covers Me (29)
Yang Jian seemed to be quite interested in the world An Luo lived in. Although An Luo said that she didn't know anything, he still asked a lot of details.

For example, when you arrive in that world, how to cultivate, and how everyone's combat effectiveness is, the level of the fairy world and so on.

An Luolue felt a little surprised: "You don't think you want to practice in that world, do you?"

"Maybe there will be opportunities in the future. Knowing yourself and the enemy will never end in a hundred battles!" Yang Jian asked all the questions clearly before he planned to leave and leave. "Uncle Master, let's go back to rest early, there is still a long journey tomorrow!"

An Luo nodded, and went back to rest. She secretly admired in her heart, this Yang Jian is really a master!And it's super hard.

Genius plus hard work, plus noble birth, and such an outstanding appearance, good personality, that is, the so-called high emotional intelligence, is like a golden finger in this world.

An Luo thought about it. If he came to his own world and brought a system or something, he would probably be invincible, right?
And it seems that he is very ambitious, or interested in it!

However, An Luo didn't have much time to think about what this proud son of heaven was thinking. There were too many things to do today, and she soon fell into a deep sleep.

When I woke up early in the morning on the second day, I was still helping the soldiers change their dressings, bandage their wounds and so on.After several years of training, An Luo felt that even if he was inferior to Hua Tuo, Bian Que, Li Shizhen, and Sun Simiao, it would be no problem to be an ordinary doctor, such as Xu Xian.

"You have obtained my true biography!" Mo Rui, the dryad, said to An Luo when he was dispensing the medicine, "Tell me, how do you want to repay me?"

"I'm working for you now, and the kind that doesn't charge you, doesn't that count as repaying you?" An Luo asked back.

Murray pondered for a while: "What you said seems to make sense. In fact, I think the two of us cooperate very well. When I finish the practice of these worlds and come out of the sealed place you mentioned, you will come to my Subordinate! I will definitely provide you with a very good platform for you to fully demonstrate your strength."

An Luo was a little dazed: "That's fine, why did you bring this up? And Kyuubi also said something similar yesterday, do you know that it's time for you to complete all the tasks?"

"Does he also want to introduce talents to you? I didn't expect the competition to be so fierce!" Mo Rui, the tree demon, sighed, but he did not give up at all, and continued to mobilize An Luo, "Hey, you know the strength of this Nine-Tails. Is he good at that kind of charm? How much other hard power does he have? If you follow him to practice, it is definitely better to follow me."

Before An Luo could answer, Murray went on to say: "And you, Xuan Yu, is definitely a reliable person. Just look at his father, and you will know that the person who can seal his own son is the one with the best heart." The viciousness can be imagined. I remember you said that he even sealed his younger brother Xishan Meimei later? He is so cruel to his most beloved younger brother. You should know what will happen to you, right? "

An Luo couldn't figure out why Murray talked so much today.In fact, An Luo didn't really care about the content of what he said, what she cared about was the faint hint that he was about to leave.

I originally thought that we really have 2 years to get along day and night. I used to think that this time is too long. I didn't expect that the change of the gears of fate made the separation time much earlier.

(End of this chapter)

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